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stop paying for service that offer public cheats

by the1Domo - 04-14-2022 - 12:19 AM
stop paying for service that offer public cheats. Or just literally downloading the source code, making alter ization and pretending that they changed it or they it's getting ridiculous even f****** teapot is based off of Colossus.
on my GitHub I have tons of resources.

a method for generating 100F

the bunch of fun research to help you better yourself and make a better experience for you and your friends

0x50 Xbox Live lasting method ECC, stealth server / API.

XBLS offline setup kit don't pay for online access

And there are lots of other resources available to you to don't pay for people's garbage and encourage this kind of meaningless retardation of trying to sell other people's stuff. Learn, learn to program yourself, learn to do it yourself if you want to make money make cheats don't try to sell public cheats okay and here here are more resources

TCP listener written for Linux for the xbLive stealth server, created by myself and BLiNDzZ in 2019. [color=var(--color-accent-fg)][/color]

xbLive stealth server, created by myself and BLiNDzZ in 2019. [color=var(--color-accent-fg)][/color]

and this guy even has cheats on his gift

Battlefield 3 cheats made for NiNJA in 2019. [color=var(--color-accent-fg)][/color]

Battlefield 4 cheats made for NiNJA in 2019. [color=var(--color-accent-fg)][/color]

LiveEmulation Modern Warfare 3 cheat, my first attempt at making a cheat for Call of Duty in 2018. [color=var(--color-accent-fg)][/color]

Call of Duty cheats up until BO3, created by myself and BLiNDzZ in 2019. [color=var(--color-accent-fg)][/color]

PowerPC (64bit) virtual machine with support for ram, stack, syscalls, and threading. Created by [color=var(--color-fg-default)]@dllcrt0 & [color=var(--color-fg-default)]@tttttttttls[/color].[/color]

this guy also has a powerPC emulator that emulates Xbox system calls which can be used to generate data.

just for fun here's a fun to tool a long time ago

there's also another GitHub yes this is another one of mine lol

my very first stealth server Titan compiles with a makefile on Linux and also will compile on windows with a visual Studios./

a real cross-compile server for Windows and Linux not that fake s*** with dotnet core at last another GitHub by me with more good information for all of you

another c Linux Server by Me

source code for a compile tools to put in to your hypervisor for dumping data over uart

and another research git

I am also working on a free stuff server that's going to be running forever stay tuned for one Xbox Live finally gets shut down enjoy the new Evilsource Xbox Live which will go live on the day Xbox Live shuts down

and also there is other research and the repositories that were made by other people like the guy who did the xosc search which his clears his credits were clearly stated in the repositories that I made because I linked other people's repositories doesn't mean I need to give you individual credit, but even though your credit is in the repositories on the files themselves credit to MedakaK for his xose research inside of the repositories where his clearly stated in the files and in the research which is more than he would ever do for me  :)
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Lots of the stuff on your github though isn't even yours. So I do not understand this post. Even the way you did the dumping of challenges a while back we could tell you got that from blueSn00w which he just got that from Deviant and you did some modifications to it but I think the entire scene already knows that came from Deviant even the API base source you leaked at one point was made from the Variant source that got leaked. I don't know if credit was given to the people who originally made those but that's not the point That's not my point of replying though my point is non of us would be here right now making this stuff unless people shared there research that they did on there own. Even stuff you take credit for making i'm sure uses someone else's code at some point when making your stuff because code is code you can only write something so many ways and people usually choose the best way to write something that is clean and simple.
(04-14-2022 - 02:29 AM)The_Guardian Wrote: Lots of the stuff on your github though isn't even yours. So I do not understand this post. Even the way you did the dumping of challenges a while back we could tell you got that from blueSn00w which he just got that from Deviant and you did some modifications to it but I think the entire scene already knows that came from Deviant even the API base source you leaked at one point was made from the Variant source that got leaked. I don't know if credit was given to the people who originally made those but that's not the point  That's not my point of replying though my point is non of us would be here right now making this stuff unless people shared there research that they did on there own. Even stuff you take credit for making i'm sure uses someone else's code at some point when making your stuff because code is code you can only write something so many ways and people usually choose the best way to write something that is clean and simple.
Yes, I'm glad this is how you feel and I'm glad that you can get this out inside of this post good for you my friend, however, your insults aren't going to stop me from doing what I'm doing and it doesn't have to make sense to you, you know what I mean that's just life that seems like a lot of things don't make sense to you I mean it shows with your lack of intelligence. However, I'm glad you can get this out and you can continue replying with your feelings that aren't based in reality, but that is okay, they are your feelings, however the big boys are going to continue working and you can continue having your little pity Fest :)

So what I don't understand is you are replying to this post with this insult of merged macaroni salad puke of your feelings based on how you perceive things. so what good does your reply do no one cares except for you my content is still here and will continue to be posted no matter how you feel :)

Remember, it all of this I am a hacker I hack people I steal their s*** I leak it, so I am confused you are literally pointing out something I'm already telling you and pray tents but it makes sense because of your lack of reality or perception of reality my friend. "_' 

No Cry some more my little buddy, I love your tears they feel me with such Joy at the end of the day I'm a hacker not as skid like you not a pretend programmer, not a kid who makes any claims outside of myself, I don't claim things as my own I don't hide it, I let you know that I got it from and I tell you I stole it because I am a hacker and I'm just not understanding your grasp on this cuz you don't get that you're pointing out the fact that I'm a hacker when I told you I'm a hacker.
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I hate to point this out, but none of you guys would have any of this stuff if I would have never leaked it in the first place so I'm confused on where you're laying claim is in this chain when I'm not stealing your code and
I can understand the insults from the people that I steal code from and they deserve to insult me because that's the game
that we play I want them to insult me, I want them to see that I stole their code it makes me happy I never lay claimed anything that's not mine and I never claimed to be a god king programmer and I have said many times I'm mediocre at best that is your perception of me and your idea of me, when people ask me for help and I can't help them, I will redirect them to people that can't because I'm not going to scam you to pretend I can do something I can't like many of the members of this community do, yeah, I ran a service with the help of other programmers and I've never claimed to do anything 100% On My Own no one can no one not even you so I'm not understanding your insults cuz I didn't like claim to any of it

one more thing a little secret there was a destiny by past that I released that was fake have you know what else is funny I didn't actually release it it was stolen from me which was okay cuz I planted it in the code on purpose it was hilarious and all of you guys used it it always one or a zero to a random address that I just pulled out of my ass and then I literally looped it and you idiot still have it in your Source codes lol lol lollolololo
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ok Domo? lol
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Ursula von der Leyen#1337
#6  if you have a flawed perception of me, it's okay, but if you want to get to know the real me talk to me. it's okay
I actually enjoy conversations and encouraging the growth of people's curiosity, I understand there was a long time that people were saying things about me and that's
Okay, they have their feelings and things happened, but why don't we look toward the future and be big boys if you would like to get to know me join my Discord if not I don't really care and your responses are meaningless unaka stop me from releasing my content and I'm not going to ever lay claim to something that's not mine and I I will call out people for using stolen source code or someone but you know what it's okay that's the only way we learned and we should foster learning maybe if people give each other credit may be we will be less hostile to each other
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(04-14-2022 - 02:57 AM)the1Domo Wrote: I hate to point this out, but none of you guys would have any of this stuff if I would have never leaked it in the first place so I'm confused on where you're laying  claim is in this chain when I'm not stealing your code and
I can understand the insults from the people that I steal code from and they deserve to insult me because that's the game
that we play I want them to insult me, I want them to see that I stole their code it makes me happy I never lay claimed anything that's not mine and I never claimed to be a god king programmer and I have said many times I'm mediocre at best that is your perception of me and your idea of me, when people ask me for help and I can't help them, I will redirect them to people that can't because I'm not going to scam you to pretend I can do something I can't like many of the members of this community do, yeah, I ran a service with the help of other programmers and I've never claimed to do anything 100% On My Own no one can no one not even you so I'm not understanding your insults cuz I didn't like claim to any of it

one more thing a little secret there was a destiny by past that I released that was fake have you know what else is funny I didn't actually release it it was stolen from me which was okay cuz I planted it in the code on purpose it was hilarious and all of you guys used it it always one or a zero to a random address that I just pulled out of my ass and then I literally looped it and you idiot still have it in your Source codes lol lol lollolololo
I was not insulting you I was just making some points I don't know if you miss read what I was saying but okay. Also I think anyone that takes two seconds to look at that bypass that was plastered everywhere could tell it was fake. I even stated that to many people who have even asked me for help with there projects and I've told them to take it out and that they probably would never get a working bypass for destiny because of the reticules amount of sanity checks that they have I still laugh at service that claim to have a destiny bypass but then say o just don't use these modifications. Like bruh clearly you're not bypassing anything and you're telling us what is most likely going to trigger a ban.
lol okay, I apologize, I didn't misinterpret what you said it felt like an insult. It's ridiculous cuz people try to call me out for leaking and claiming that I'm some god-king programmer, it's like that's their own perception you know what I mean it's lool I am glad that you noticed the troll I appreciate that. wasn't it great, though it like it's the greatest troll of all time lol thank you for not returning with insults and having a misunderstanding resolved,
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(04-14-2022 - 04:37 AM)the1Domo Wrote: lol okay, I apologize, I didn't misinterpret what you said it felt like an insult. It's ridiculous cuz people try to call me out for leaking and claiming that I'm some god-king programmer, it's like that's their own perception you know what I mean it's lool I am glad that you noticed the troll I appreciate that.    wasn't it great, though it like it's the greatest troll of all time lol thank you for not returning with insults and having a misunderstanding resolved,
It's like all those people who believed in the secCleanHash or what ever that was supposedly for ECCDigest or what ever but when you read it in the xex it said haha you're dumb or some shit. I can't believe how many xex's I opened seeing that. I would just sit there sometimes looking at countless amounts of server from facebook that would have that and it's like bruh does no one even think about what they're looking at sometimes?
oh my God that is great, I didn't even realize that was going on, how many trolls did we play on these Special Needs people lol I got a really wonder how many of us did this just out of pure boredom lol
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