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School is bad

by socoolman - 01-19-2017 - 03:51 AM
i think education is only needed up until 8th grade. most crap we learn above 8th grade is useless. they should be teaching more stuff about jobs and taxes and stuff like that. not pointless algebra and crap about egypt.
I can agree school does a shitty job at getting students actually ready for life after school, but if you plan on going to college you will end up learning algebra etc in college.. Might as well learn it for free.
The education system has been dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. This "Everyone needs to go to college" shit is definitely BS though.
In Australian high schools you usually get to pick and choose what subjects you want to learn with Math and English being compulsory. You get to choose I believe 4 other subjects like Science, IT, Business, Art, Horticulture, Hospitality, Drama, Music etc. I think school is important, but you're right. People in school can be at various levels, yet learning at the same pace as everyone else. That's why I found school so damn boring because I was on the upper level of the bar and the teacher's had to cater for the slowest students.
@3 is my slut
I could not agree more lol, I has been proven time and time again that it the school system slow down a child's education not speed it up, especially in this generation where anything you what to learn can be found on the internet, the use of extended schooling is unnecessary lol
I don't really think the idea of what school today is what we need. I think we need school entirely though, otherwise we have uneducated masses marching in the streets because they don't understand how things work. I think without school, we have people in offices of high power that get away with bigotry and racism. I think without school, we find ourselves fighting for rights that are already there, but are losing sight of why these fights started at all, not only for rights, but for equality. If we don't educate our children and young adults, we leave our world a blank hive-mind, waiting for that one "great" mind to lead us sheep down their righteous path of destruction. Whether it be through exiling or persecuting someone because their views are different than ours, we don't know better because we are educated.

I understand you think after your 8th grade of schooling you think you can just experience the rest of the world, and you're right, maybe you can. However, experience with understand and without understanding are two entirely different things. Penicillin was discovered entirely by mistake, if Alexander Fleming came back to his office on that summer day without understanding his previous experience the bacteria he discovered on his lab benches would've just been a mess.

I know the school systems in a lot of schools (mainly here in the States) are completely fucked, but you have to realize, that school isn't just for higher education and taxation, the real essence and idea of a school is meant to produce and promote productivity and creativity, to mold our minds from the generic shape so we can mold them ourselves with the greatest understanding of the world possible.

I apologize for such a wall, but here's the tl;dr - School is needed because we need to understand the world us, and to understand the experiences we have in the world.
school can be pretty awesome, learn a lot of social stuff at least
I learn more in home using the internet and watching videos then trying to learn new things at school..
I dislike the fact that they cater for the most stupid students so the smarter students tend to get pushed down a bit. Everyone has different levels, I get that. But it's not fair on those that are well ahead. I also believe schools still haven't thought of a functioning anti-bullying program.
@3 is my slut
(01-29-2017 - 07:53 PM)Rebecca Wrote: I dislike the fact that they cater for the most stupid students so the smarter students tend to get pushed down a bit. Everyone has different levels, I get that. But it's not fair on those that are well ahead. I also believe schools still haven't thought of a functioning anti-bullying program.

While I agree that anti-bullying is a completely non-functioning system in a majority of schools, I don't think that smarter children are pushed to the side. I think a smarter child can't thrive in the school environment due to the curriculum. Cram schools are a more efficient way to educate students in general, however, a majority of countries don't follow a cram school's regiment or curriculum because it is more expensive. It requires specialized teachers and more equipment for the classes. In the States, we educate students by putting them in classes and keeping them in 1 class for 1 subject for say 35-45 minutes a class and teach them the bare courses; History, English, Science, Math. Where the main emphasis is on English and Math. However, if an extremely gifted artistic child isn't flourishing in this environment they suffer because the educational systems don't offer a public environment to teach this student and the parents are either forced to pay for a private institutions facilities or shut that child's brilliance down and force them to thrive in the mechanical system we have now. 

So lets say a child is intelligent in one of the core subjects I listed before and for argument's sake they are gifted in Math or English. That child will be given every single opportunity throughout schooling to grow more intelligent in that particular subject, because our school system is so fucking focused on standardized test scores that we forget that children -- that people -- are intelligent in different fields and we have to cultivate them and nurture their individual intelligence.

Sorry that got ranty. I get like that when I think a lot on topics and I don't really ever have an opportunity to express my opinions in places where it isn't going to a fuckfest of autistic screeching, and there's actual discussion.

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