I 100% agree. School this day in time is so pointless and they don't teach you the fundamental stuff you will need to know in real life. I think there should be some kind of program in high schools where student can spent a few day of each week in a real job of their choice learning how to do it. I say this because Of course I took programming classes in high school but I knew how to program before I even took those classes and I was always ahead of the other kids because I took it on my self to teach myself things in my free time and I learned more on my own than the teacher taught us in the classes.
School would be considerably better if students were allowed to expand their horizons. I agree that they should be taught the basics of math and English etc, but they should be given the freedom to choose classes they want on top of that rather than be forced to learn things they have no interest in. Forcing them to learn things they have no interest in literally impairs their abilities to excel later.
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