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YouTube SteamBot v7 and ProxyBot by XeRathens

by Harambe317 - 05-12-2021 - 07:25 PM
(05-12-2021 - 07:25 PM)Harambe317 Wrote: To narzędzie służy do botowania (dodawania widzów) do transmisji na żywo w YouTube. 
Linki w filmie służą do reklamy linków. Przesłałem tutaj ponownie, bez dodatków.

Link do YouTube pokazujący, jak korzystać, znajduje się tutaj 
Link do YouTube

Link do StreamBota znajduje się tutaj
[ukryj] Treść jest ukryta[/hide]
Link do ProxyBota jest tutaj
[ukryj] Treść jest ukryta[/hide]

Jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy. Link do Discorda jest tutaj 
[ukryj] Treść jest ukryta[/ukryj] kod zaproszenia to AnJDYqwyE2

Kredyt dla Rathensa na Discordzie
(05-12-2021 - 07:25 PM)Harambe317 Wrote: This tool is to bot (add viewers) to YouTube live streams 
The links in the video are for linkvertise. I've re-upload here without adds.

The YouTube link on how to use is here 
YouTube link

The StreamBot link is here
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The ProxyBot link is here
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If you need help with it. The Discord link is here 
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invite code is AnJDYqwyE2

Credit to Rathens on the Discord
(05-12-2021 - 07:25 PM)Harambe317 Wrote: This tool is to bot (add viewers) to YouTube live streams 
The links in the video are for linkvertise. I've re-upload here without adds.

The YouTube link on how to use is here 
YouTube link

The StreamBot link is here
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The ProxyBot link is here
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If you need help with it. The Discord link is here 
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invite code is AnJDYqwyE2

Credit to Rathens on the Discord
(05-12-2021 - 07:25 PM)Harambe317 Wrote: This tool is to bot (add viewers) to YouTube live streams 
The links in the video are for linkvertise. I've re-upload here without adds.

The YouTube link on how to use is here 
YouTube link

The StreamBot link is here
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The ProxyBot link is here
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If you need help with it. The Discord link is here 
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invite code is AnJDYqwyE2

Credit to Rathens on the Discord

(05-12-2021 - 07:25 PM)Harambe317 Wrote: This tool is to bot (add viewers) to YouTube live streams 
The links in the video are for linkvertise. I've re-upload here without adds.

The YouTube link on how to use is here 
YouTube link

The StreamBot link is here
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The ProxyBot link is here
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If you need help with it. The Discord link is here 
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invite code is AnJDYqwyE2

Credit to Rathens on the Discord
insane5tgv brother5tgv this5tgv one5tgv is5tgv really5tgv ood
thx for the bot

thx for it frl ........
is it still working tho?
Hope it's still working and difficult for youtube to detect
thanks bro i hope its work
(05-12-2021 - 07:25 PM)Harambe317 Wrote: This tool is to bot (add viewers) to YouTube live streams 
The links in the video are for linkvertise. I've re-upload here without adds.

The YouTube link on how to use is here 
YouTube link

The StreamBot link is here
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The ProxyBot link is here
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If you need help with it. The Discord link is here 
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invite code is AnJDYqwyE2

Credit to Rathens on the Discord
most try

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