See, Facebook is "slowly" (faster than ever) becoming a conglomerate. They are building into this hub for shit spewing bullshit that society feels important and what society feels isn't important. Whether its to contact family or stalk an ex, Facebook's got your back. It's terrifying to realize that the site has web-traffic in the billions. In just the second quarter of 2016, there were a recorded 1.75 BILLION monthly active members. Meaning in a month's time, 25% of the fucking world used Facebook, at least once. So lets break that down even further. Lets assume out of the 7 billion people on the planet 50% (Aprox. 3.5 billion) people don't use/have access to the internet. So let's redo our math.
7 Billion People - 3.5 Billion (Who don't use the Internet) ≈ Half of the population use the internet.
So Taking the 1.75 Billion monthly Facebook users and finding the ratio of people who use the internet ≈ 1:2.
If you aren't following by now, 50% of the world (that has access to the internet) uses the website known as Facebook. This number is constantly changing as well, at some alarming rate (around 250,000 people per second). Think about that for a bit. Soak that in. If you really want it to get disgusting, here's another "fun fact" I did this math a few weeks ago, 1 in 2 people have/have not seen the video Gangnam Style, So lets just assume 60% of those people are the same that use Facebook as well, that's about 700 Million people who have seen that video, but don't use Facebook..Now I wanna just point out that YouTube and Facebook are extremely close to being one company (when it comes down to marketing, web-traffic, user-base, etc)..So that 700 Million will be our margin for error.
The final conclusion: Every fucking person (unless they are too old, ill, too young/an infant toddler) uses Facebook. Facebook is fucking disgusting and consumes people. Whether it be begging for attention via likes on some shitty photoshopped image of crappy lights or some bullshit 1 Like = 1 Pray shit post or memes, or genuine posts about friends or family, Facebook essentially consumes everyday life. Scary thing is, we can't turn back now. Not when basically every person uses it, not when I wanna assume (I'm not mathing this) 70% of them actively rely on it for multiple reasons (work, friends/family, or some other 3rd thing). Facebook disgusts me, but there's nothing I can do but bitch about it and pray it never has a mass leak.