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68 Maul Keysets

by rashadul22 - 06-07-2020 - 04:50 AM
the fuck i missed
@55418 I completely understand what you're saying however it would be impossible for them to keep us from disabling it. or making a workaround. I do reverse engineering for more than just a Xbox just so you know. such as security protocols for video games and networking protocols. so I get what you're saying however is the exploit such as the RGH would still allow us to have access to system memory. and I don't know if you know what binary diffing is. however at this point there's nothing they can really do to change a lot I mean considering how are the systems chain of trust is already been corrupted. because our exploit is in an early boot State such as the first bootloader. which cannot be updated from their server side has to be done Hardware side. we will always have a way in it. at that point is just having the knowledge of how to update it which isn't hard. at this point a lot of us have already reverse the entire security engine and security Gateway setup. a lot more people know the entire calculation than you think. I mean if you just look at my GitHub links but you probably haven't even looked at. they're complete pseudocode disassembly of the hypervisor with labels. so you can literally see how the functions Act. :) however I hear your challenge of memory protection. and I want to raise the reason for it not to work would be around the first bootloader exploit. if messing with memory protection would have been successful at don't you think what he would have done that already. I mean they already have memory protection.
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Wow. I have never seen so much autism packed so tightly into one single thread.
GG, OP -- You've really got some crackhead skills A+ Phenomenal work.
[Image: nArZdh1.png]
Discord: Tommy#4321
Ride till' I die.
@Tom dude why can't you just be civil for once why do you always have to cause problems what is your problem. like literally every post you post on your insulting someone you can never be nice what is your problem. you literally accuse me of giving you no credit and want someone pointed out you didn't even apologize you just continue to insult me cuz that's all you know how to do what's wrong with you do you need a doctor. we're literally having a conversation here based in facts and information and you're just here insulting people. get a life. I'm sorry that the Xbox Community isn't what you wanted to be anymore but you need to stop this and needs to stop now. I have apologized to you and the past for being rude but you have never apologized for me never owned up to your mistakes. instead turn around with insults and pretend like you did nothing wrong you are at you have a problem dude. I don't know if you know this but the planet is changing every country is changing people like you are. going to be pushed out. why can't you be nice just for one day of your life is your life really that bad that you have to come the internet to make fun of people to make yourself feel like a big man. when everyone here just sees your insults and realizes you're just a little boy who needs attention.

this is so sad imagine still being a crybaby little child in 2020. everyone sees that you are one of the few people who are still complete assholes for no reason. imagine still being with sheep mentality in 2020 with Xbox rumors that were created before you even existed.

the only thing I've ever mention as you try to take complete credit for something you didn't even do 100% yourself you should give credit to Golden for the .ilb you used. you did stuff with networking what was all you can find it all on online tutorials. literally you are sad you demand credit for things you didn't even create 100% yourself without giving credit to other people but then get mad when nobody gives you credit you have double standards you're broken. you TOM are the definition of toxic.

however you do deserve credit for building the networking platform and I give you credit for that. however another instance so I can give you credit is where you improved on Colossus. however I would appreciate it if you would give that credit to when you based your server off of it. but that's the problem with you you don't want to give anyone else credit but you want to demand it. even your first Call of Duty menu you buy from someone and then just modified. the difference between me and you is I've never paid for anything on the Xbox other than the system itself and KV. you have paid for methods. mod menus. segments of source code that weren't even written by the people you bought them from. but yet you want to pretend like you're on some high ground

you know what's even more sad than all of this.
you constantly insult me and call me a skid and all this garbage even though you use my code. you constantly use the stuff I release. you're the definition of sad you're always up my ass following me around like a lost puppy dog.

it's sad when you're stupider than a person with Asperger's. it's even more pathetic when you have to try to prove that you're more intelligent what you've never actually done :)
if you like my posts and want to see more please plus rep
Lets leave the insults to pms or offsite, otherwise warnings will be given
lol nice share pal
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this will be useful thanks for the release
why do you dump this many? y
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(06-30-2020 - 01:57 AM)uwuletskiss Wrote: why do you dump this many? y
wanted to do 69 but i was one short
(06-07-2020 - 04:50 AM)IAMARETARD Wrote: Have you ever wanted to last on maul keys? Now you can! At Maul Corporation we specialize in everything maul.
Today we are introducing maul keysets!
There are 68 keysets in here all running on maul.

Last Updated On Dash: 17559

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