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XBLRevolution Source 17502

by Anony - 12-21-2016 - 11:51 PM
XBLRevolution Source 17502
So, i've found this source on my HDD this is the base that the XBLSNebula source is using before
nebula even touched it, shouldn't be as buggy as the XBLSNebula source.
This source however is on the old dash 17502, so you will need to update it yourself, or get someone to update it.
This source also has a bunch of decent features like the following: freemode, redeemtoken etc.

I'm not responsable if this source does not work for you, since it's on the OLD dash and you need to update it yourself.


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Quote:Jerk it or lurk it pal. - Albert Einstein

yo you fancy showing me how to set this up?
[Image: RQyFiiZ.png]
nice share mate

please make a tutorial to make this work my friend
nice share i have no credits to unlock it for tho lol
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