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Wish For Anything

by Bishop326 - 01-14-2016 - 08:27 PM
If you had the chance to wish for one and only thing what would it be ?

I wish that humans could go interstellar 
If I had the chance to wish for one of anything, I'd choose peace.
If i could wish for anything and i only had one wish it would be to marry the love of my life and spend the rest of my life with her.
I would wish for a social life....
I'd wish for tons of money. Yep, I'm that guy.
The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory.

Tag or quote me in your post if you want me to see it.
I'd wish to remain with my girlfriend for as long as possible, live with her, have children and have a good family. Ofcourse helping to run the forums at the same time.
(01-14-2016 - 08:56 PM)Hulk Wrote: This post is going to be a bit lengthy but meh
Id ask For my family to never be Financially Un-Stable.
Now why?
Id first make sure My Mom, Stepdad, and Sister are all Retired. Then id buy a small suburban home which id have to pay 2.5k a month and id buy a modest car( Audi or a BMW or something like dat.) and then id proceed to have the dopest rig in the world.
I'd also Make sure the girl whom I'm with (sort of lol its weird) doesn't have to work a day in her life nor her parents. Id wish for the ability for me and my family to never be financially unstable. These days and im a tad sad while say this, the world revolves around those whom can afford it. I mean i live a fairly nice life, have most of what i need, Have the car ill be driving next year already in my drive way which isnt something all 15 year olds can say. My family isnt "financially unstable" but the possibility in this ecomomy in the U.S is always eminent.

Well yeah heres my post.

The general summary of the 'American Dream'.
I'd wish for police protection or some shit against crimes and go rob a fuckton of banks
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one thing i would want is to be able to have unlimited god power. I could heal the sick, defend the weak and also protect everything close to me. Other advantages are i could detroy people without even being near them, Rain fire down on my enimies and crushz anyone who tries and stops me. Then there is true world peace....hrmmm power might also go to my head though but still would be awsome.
Jacked by Red @
I wish for candy and lost for stuff

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