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Why topics with dead links not moved?

by aabee - 01-03-2020 - 04:45 PM
I have found lots of threads,what are loceld to replies,but still available to wasting members credits?Even i am wasting some fo credits,because it seems like nothing wrong and then i saw later that theme locked.
Intereting question because people will lost their credits if there have threads with dead links, what are not moved.
we understand how annoying it can be to unlock a posts content for it to not be working we are working on a system that users can rate a posts as working or link down this will notify users viewing that posts of it being working or not before unlocking it
It might help you when topics with dead links should be moved,not just only locked.Because threads should be locked also to avoiding spam-like thanks etc.What does not unlock anything.
(01-05-2020 - 08:26 PM)aabee Wrote: It might help you when topics with dead links should be moved,not just only locked.Because threads should be locked also to avoiding spam-like thanks etc.What does not unlock anything.
Yes dead links will be junked but it is hard to do this as staff / mentors don’t go on everypost and attempt to download. If you use the report button on the thread and report it under OTHER and type dead link. A member of the team will get it sorted :)

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