I think the most funniest of mine was when I turned 17, I was drinking whiskey, vodka and beer. Me and a friend recently dug up my back yard and put pebbles down and we wanted a bench. It was late at night and we had this idea of stealing a bars bench that's up the road. Us being completely fucked out of our baskets we thought it would be a perfect idea, we hudded up, walked up the road swaying everywhere falling all over the place and finally we got to the bar, the bar had a 3ft wall around the back which really isn't high at all. After 40 minutes of drunken climbing over this 3ft wall we grabbed the bench and slung it over the wall smashing a residents window near by. Another 30 minutes and we finally made it back over the wall, we then realised there was a gate next to us completely unlocked. Any way, we struggled carrying this bench down the street and yay we made it home. 30 seconds later the owners of the bar came with the police and they told us that we was laughing that much while stealing this bench instead of arresting us straight away they decided to watch and then follow us home to then arrest us. All that time we completely forgot we got our dog drunk as fuck and the dog was on the garden passed out haha
So DF let's hear your drunken stories :P
So DF let's hear your drunken stories :P