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Weight Loss / Getting In Better shape Suggestions

by Jared - 01-14-2016 - 01:53 AM
Hey guys, i am starting to want to get in better shape. Can anyone give me some advice. 

I Started Today

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My Workout
  • 35 min run/ jog on tredmil
  • 15 Push-Ups

  • 15 Sit-Ups

  • 1 min Plank

  • 1 mile walk at the end of they day
Thats a good routine after every week what you want to do is add a little to each of the things you do so next week do

45min run/ jog on tredmil
25 Push-Ups

25 Sit-Ups

2 min Plank

1 mile walk at the end of they day

Dont give up stay committed which is a huge role when working out! Good Luck :)
Thats a pretty decent workout for improving your physical shape. If your trying to lose weight tho your going to have to change the way or the things you eat and Increasing your workout as you progress and get stronger. Start doing sets of push ups and sit ups instead of just 15 and done.
@Tetra, @NE, @Hi5
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Angel SLM$ha
Hi Psycho. Your daily routine looks good, but as what wolf said, you may increase a little to each of the exercises. For the plank, i would suggest you do it 1min-2min if you are able to make it, else 1 min would do (do a few times a day).

It also depends on how fast you want to achieve your target and how many KG you want to lose. I will share my experience here.

I have done 2 times of workout, the first time i failed due to i hurted my leg and i gave myself an excuse to stop working out. For the first time, i did extreme exercises + i ate very less. For the first 3 days, i lost 1 kg each day, the 4th kg, i took 2 days to achieve it, but the 5th kg, it took me 7 days. The 6th kg, i took 2 weeks to achieve. Just to let you know that you could do it the fast way or slow way :)

Currently i have started working out again and hope to build 6 packs. My advice, NEVER give up, just continue doing it daily and you will see the result eventually! :) - The best C2C platform for gamer to buy and sell virtual assets / goods!
Working out is always a good thing, however, if your goal is to lose weight, you'll definitely have to change what you eat.
Say, if you work out like your schedule says, and you then go home and celebrate with a pizza or a cake.. (Like a lot of people do..)
Then all your working out will have been for just about nothing, as the food you eat, is about 50 - 60 % of your workout.
Sometimes, you really don't even need to work out, just changing what you eat can help your body lose weight.

But it does of course give you a big boost, so doing both, working out properly and eating properly, will make it go even faster.
One thing you could do, besides just plain and basic steps like that, join a sport, like soccer, basket, anything like that.
It's often gonna be more fun, as you'll engage with others, it won't feel as much like a workout like what you're doing now.
However it of course depends on you, if you're willing to do so, if not, then that is completely up to you. Just a suggestion.
[Image: kVutyOy.gif]
25 Sit-Ups

2 min Plank
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a cool one thats fore sure
(01-14-2016 - 01:53 AM)Jared Wrote: Hey guys, i am starting to want to get in better shape. Can anyone give me some advice. 

I Started Today

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My Workout
  • 35 min run/ jog on tredmil
  • 15 Push-Ups

  • 15 Sit-Ups

  • 1 min Plank

  • 1 mile walk at the end of they day

drink lots of protein, before and after
Going to just answer you directly, without reading other posts...

To start out, I use to be 250lbs, not down to 185lbs to 195lbs...
100% it is want you eat, you can go work out, but there is no meaning if you want nice tone. not changing you diet you'll muscular with a beer belly and bulk, but never cut or lean. Your going to need a lot of determination and motivation! Take lots of progress pictures and read a lot of articles on like "" great resources and ideas for workouts...

Here is my routine... Eat many small rich protein meals throughout the day, I do about 4 meals and small filler snacks like yogurt and such. Stay away from all the saturated fats and sugars and eat more lean protein, fiber, calories don't matter unless your losing weight, I balance with weight lose and muscle mass, so I can't count as much.

For a simple idea for working out, always do at least a mile cardio before or after the exercise, join a gym for motivation, dedicate each day of the week to a certain body group, chest, legs, back, shoulders, arms, you can do more than one if you really that motivated and have that much energy to keep going. Abs I do while stretching before exercises and do a more serious core exercises on my off days or rest days. I have a pool at my gym so I add that to the list.

You just need to do your research into exercises and what works for you, not everything someone says will work, it might for them, but it might not for you. Find your sweet spots. But make sure you give up sweets and junk, and look at those people at the gym who have the body you want for motivation and see how hard they are working! Thats the best advice I can give...
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