(01-06-2016 - 12:29 AM)Mortal Wrote: (01-02-2016 - 07:59 AM)Psycho Wrote: Why Do everyone hate one version of them...
First of all everyone hates trump, i get it. but do people not realize that him and bernie say the same thing.
What exactly is it that is the same? I would need an example of your viewpoint in order to begin a discussion.
First OFf Bernie is also a racist. He is trying to kick all the illegal aliens out. (alien meaning they are not trying to become a citizen, unlike immigrants)
Now Me personally i don't think it is racist to try to fix an ongoing problem. but to say the things bernie and trump are saying(D. Trump: "all mexicans are drug dealers and rapist and must leave") VS (B. Sanders
"If Donald Trump and others who refer to Latinos, people from Mexico, as criminals and rapists, if they want to open that door, our job is to shut that door and shut it tight,)