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by Ni1mo - 02-12-2023 - 05:48 AM
══ Services you may be interested in ═══
═══ Prices updated on 12.05.2023 ══

? Invite to chat by Username - $60 / 1000
? Invite to chat on longs - 50-150 invites per day - $90 / 1000
? Invite to chat by Numbers / ID - $80 / 1000

? Mass DM by Username PM - $60 / 1000
? Mass DM by Numbers / ID - $80 / 1000
? Mailing by chat rooms - $30 / 100
? Mailing by comments in channels - $30 / 100

? Scraping audience from open chats. Filters - All, Online / Was recently, Who sent chat messages - free
? Scraping audience from closed chats - free
? Scraping from chats with hidden audience - free
? Scraping audience by GEO - cities, countries - free

? Checking - Phone Number Database. Valid / Non-Valid - $20 / 1000
? Checking - Phone Number Database on Valid / Non-Valid / ID / Last online / Gender / BIO / Name / Premium Availability - $20 / 1000
? Checking - Username Base on: Valid / Non-Valid / ID / Last Online / Gender / BIO / Name / Premium Availability - $20 / 1000
? Checking - Base of chat / channels by: Valid / Non-Valid / Number of participants / Ability to send: message, link, media / Type - Channel or Group

? Fake subscribers / members ( high quality bots ) - 5$ / 1000
? Fake views / reactions - 2$ / 1000
? Fake chat messages. Any texts. 100 different senders. Ability to put avatars / names - $150

? Resource BAN, Shadow BAN, SCAM tag - WITHOUT WARRANTY
? Shadow Ban to channel / chat (removes the resource from TG search, but does not remove the resource itself) - 150$
? Complaints about bots / channels / chats / accounts - $200 / 1000
? SCAM Tag on bots / channels / chats / accounts - $200

? Selling TData accounts for personal use - $10 / 1
? Selling TData accounts with 5 channels / 10 groups inside, 1 month lag. Good for projects under invite / occupy links - $20 / 1
? Selling Groups / Channels from 2016 to 2022 - $10 to $150
? Selling old server accounts with the right GEO ( needed for projects ) - $20 / 1

? Design CREO, Groups, Channels, Avatars, Posts
? Development Software
? Development Bot
? VPS for your project
? Manager for your project

? Group cloning: cloning all the correspondence history of the selected chat to yours. Cloning each new message. Cloning the name / avatar of each person who sent a message - from $200
? Channel cloning: - cloning content with necessary filters ( each new post ). Possibility to clone into groups / channels / forums - $50 / 1 week +++ VPS

═══ If the service you need is not in the list - we can make an tool for it. We carry out projects of any complexity. Working experience - 2 years ═══
═══ Consultation regarding your project and recommendations - Free ═══

Telegram Contact

The price of services will start to rise in the near future. The reason is the blocking of acc registers by api.
Invite to chat - $60 / 1000
Invite to chat to long - 50-150 invites per day - $100 / 1000
Mass DM - $70 / 1000
Chat spam - $35 / 100
SPAM by comments in channels - individual
Scrape audience from open chats - by the following filters - everyone, been online a month ago, been online a week ago, been online recently, online, everyone who left a message in chat for the last 100-10k messages - free
Scrape audience from private chats - $15/1 chat
Scrape from chats with hidden audience - $15 / 1 chat
Forming the base for everyone who wants the base of Username's in Telegram
Everyone who sent any comment in the channel ( a certain number of posts )
Group members: closed / open / with hidden audience. Scrape by the filter of your choice:
all, was online a month ago, was online a week ago, was online recently, online, all who left a message in the chat for the last 100-10k messages.
Scrape the audience by GEO ( provide coordinates !!!)
Write in the PM forum / manager in TG
Telegram contacts
══ Services you may be interested in ═══
═══ Prices updated on 16.04.2023 ══

? Invite to chat by Username - $50 / 1000
? Invite to chat on longs - 50-150 invites per day - $80 / 1000
? Invite to chat by Numbers / ID - $80 / 1000

? Distribution by Username PM - $50 / 1000
? Distribution by Numbers / ID - $80 / 1000
? Distribution by chat rooms - $30 / 100
? Distribution by comments in channels - $30 / 100

? Scraping audience from open chats. Filters - All, Online / Was recently, Who sent chat messages - free
? Scraping audience from closed chats - free
? Scraping from chats with hidden audience - free
? Scraping audience by GEO - cities, countries - free

? Checking - Phone Number Database. Valid / Non-Valid - $10 / 1000
? Checking - Phone Number Database on Valid / Non-Valid / ID / Last online / Gender / BIO / Name / Premium Availability - $20 / 1000
? Checking - Username Base on: Valid / Non-Valid / ID / Last Online / Gender / BIO / Name / Premium Availability - $20 / 1000
? Checking - Base of chat / channels by: Valid / Non-Valid / Number of participants / Ability to send: message, link, media / Type - Channel or Group

? Fake subscribers / members ( high quality bots ) - 5$ / 1000
? Fake views / reactions - 2$ / 1000
? Fake chat messages. Any texts. 100 different senders. Ability to put avatars / names - $150

? Resource BAN, Shadow BAN, SCAM tag - WITHOUT WARRANTY
? Shadow Ban to channel / chat (removes the resource from TG search, but does not remove the resource itself) - 150$
? Complaints about bots / channels / chats / accounts - $200 / 1000
? SCAM Tag on bots / channels / chats / accounts - $200

? Selling TData accounts for personal use - $10 / 1
? Selling TData accounts with 5 channels / 10 groups inside, 1 month lag. Good for projects under invite / occupy links - $20 / 1
? Selling Groups / Channels from 2016 to 2022 - $10 to $150
? Selling old server accounts with the right GEO ( needed for projects ) - $20 / 1

? Design CREO, Groups, Channels, Avatars, Posts
? Development Software
? Development Bot
? VPS for your project
? Manager for your project

? Group cloning: cloning all the correspondence history of the selected chat to yours. Cloning each new message. Cloning the name / avatar of each person who sent a message - from $200
? Channel cloning - cloning content with necessary filters ( each new post ). Possibility to clone into groups / channels / forums - $50 / 1 week +++ VPS

═══ If the service you need is not in the list - we can make an tool for it. We carry out projects of any complexity. Working experience - 2 years ═══
═══ Consultation regarding your project and recommendations - Free ═══

Contact us in Telegram

This might be interesting to take a look at. Thanks for the share!
Scraping of Chats and Channels in Telegram

In Channels
Everyone who sent any comment in the channel

In Chats
Group members: closed / open / with hidden audience. Scrape by the filter of your choice:
all, was online recently, online, all who left a message in the chat for the last 5 000 messages

Scrape the audience by GEO ( provide coordinates, or local chats !!!)
Write in the PM forum / manager in TG

Telegram contacts

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