does anyone have Chat Commands that they can post? Thanks in Advance.
(04-19-2019 - 04:44 PM)Joalson Wrote: well so i can give people commands to use in chat for example if they do /drop they will be money dropped
There is a Cohost thread somewhere here, but u can just add this into ur co host function
if (GAMEPLAY::ARE_STRINGS_EQUAL(szSenderMess, "CashPlsNibba"))//This Is Them texting u
// {
// if (MessageSend == 0) {
// SendReply("~b~CashDrop Enabled", CHostPlayer);//This Is U Texting Them
// MessageSend = 1;
// }
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(04-19-2019 - 05:21 PM)Joalson Wrote: with this they can but this command in and they will be dropped money?
No Lol U have to make all that, u asked for commands to send people, this is how it would be done. like i said theres a thread on here somewhere with the full co host function, youd just need to add ur own code for things like cash drop etc
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