Anyone? I had a try using the code released for ps3 and got as far as it only effecting my self when using selected player, feel like I'm close but not close enough , anyone else have any luck?
Well I think it's very difficult to find because nobody shares and I believe that who has not sells, I think that only Africans and joggy have this, that of ps3 is patched by rockstar, so it will not work
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(01-13-2018 - 11:59 PM)vectrac20tsri Wrote: Anyone? I had a try using the code released for ps3 and got as far as it only effecting my self when using selected player, feel like I'm close but not close enough , anyone else have any luck?
int Give420(int selectedIndex, vector<int> *selectedMenuIndexes, char *itemText, void *functionParameters) {
int subMenuIndex = selectedMenuIndexes->operator[](1);
SET_RP_PLAYER_ONLINE(13288350, subMenuIndex); //rp give not level
ShowMessageOnScreen("You Give Player [13288350] RP");
return 0;
This wil only give them RP not a certain level you want to give them
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