First Off Some People May Ask Why Anyone Would Want This.
Its OG.. Someone Will Buy It Eventually
(Im Not Gonna Give Away A Twitter Or AIM When 10 People Post At Max)
This Giveaway Will Start When All The Slots Below Are Filled OR 2 Weeks Time
How To Enter:
Like The Post Then Post What Number You Want And What Your Going For (YOU CAN ONLY GO FOR ONE)
(Ex: #6, Pastebin)
Pastebin: C*wl
hint: Hood
Email: C**
hint: Taken
(Look At The Last Section.. Im Not Giving Away A @Yahoo,@gmail,@aol, ect)
#2: @Potato Dck, Pastebin
#3: @Scale, Email
#4: @ii prsm ii, Email
#6: @Nova, Pastebin
#7: @Username, Email
#8: @ToleratedNine, Pastebin
#9: @Invade, Pastebin
#11: @Green, Email
#13: @Buzz,Pastebin
#15: @HostedLobby, Email
Good Luck! :D :oscar: