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Maybe I've grown as a person or peopole are just lame

by Helgarth - 06-10-2017 - 05:36 AM
My biggest flaw and favorite thing about myself is that I am really nice to people. Sometimes overly nice. I will pretty much give you a room in my house rent free for over a year, so that you can get yourself back on your feet nice. But I've also erupted like a volcano in the past when I get mad about something or feel like I've been taken advantage of. And maybe, just maybe I make it easy for people to take advantage of me.
I kind of feel you man. I don't think its worth it to get mad over that, and also.. Bring your prottection up! Be nice but don't let people walk over you. There is difference between being nice and naive.
Poor = lots of friends / Well-off = few friends and way less family
There's a difference between being nice and being a doormat. It's often tough to measure the line, though.

Sometimes I find myself unable to say 'no' when I really should. It's gotten better as I've taken on more of a managerial role at work and now have subordinates who I get to order around. Sometimes, you just have to put your foot down. You don't have to do it aggressively, but being assertive is actually a skill, and something that people learn over time.

Never underestimate how far a little assertiveness can get you.
Dude, you need to change that. What if somethign bad happends?
i live in a cardboard box. :)

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