(05-03-2020 - 06:54 PM)DemonGhost Wrote: So i have the dev be talking shit to me so fuck them here is there source they're using plus this is the old SVT source rename with a different desgin!
however, im going to leak devil source too!
(05-03-2020 - 06:54 PM)DemonGhost Wrote: So i have the dev be talking shit to me so fuck them here is there source they're using plus this is the old SVT source rename with a different desgin!
however, im going to leak devil source too!
So i have the dev be talking shit to me so fuck them here is there source they're using plus this is the old SVT source rename with a different desgin!
however, im going to leak devil source too!
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(05-03-2020 - 06:54 PM)DemonGhost Wrote: So i have the dev be talking shit to me so fuck them here is there source they're using plus this is the old SVT source rename with a different desgin!
however, im going to leak devil source too!