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If you were a robot, what would you do?

by Red - 10-22-2016 - 05:52 PM
To be honest since Robots are smart, I am guessing I would try to find a cure for cancer.
[Image: cFUePg.png]
idk if i were a robot i would like to be coded that way so i can upgrade my source code on my own so i can learn new stuff without having the (human) developers updating me manually XD I would hack into all clearnet and darket information and would make functional technology so humans can explore the universe easier than ever.!
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(10-25-2016 - 07:30 AM)Harry Potter Wrote: idk if i were a robot i would like to be coded that way so i can upgrade my source code on my own so i can learn new stuff without having the (human) developers updating me manually XD I would hack into all clearnet and darket information and would make functional technology so humans can explore the universe easier than ever.!

Oo I like that, you thought hard XD :P
[Image: cFUePg.png]
#14 mean a Cyborg?
(10-25-2016 - 09:17 PM)Have Seen My Cat? Wrote: mean a Cyborg?

It can be any form of artificial intelligence you desire, as long as it's not Human.
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replicate myself & gather intelligence to live forever hahaha, if i were robot i'd be kinda like some Spark 343

[Image: 340231-46172909_343gs.jpg]
If I was a robot I'd continue to live my normal life with the ability to also be somewhat "super-human". But I wouldn't expose that to everyone since the government would use me to their advantage I'm sure.
(10-27-2016 - 06:54 PM)Axe Wrote: If I was a robot I'd continue to live my normal life with the ability to also be somewhat "super-human". But I wouldn't expose that to everyone since the government would use me to their advantage I'm sure.

That's a good point, I never considered the Government. At least you'd probably get a chance to go into Area 51.
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(10-27-2016 - 07:27 PM)Red Wrote: That's a good point, I never considered the Government. At least you'd probably get a chance to go into Area 51.

No, more like they'd use you in combat and if you were not useful enough they'd dispose of you so you wouldn't become a threat to the country is what I meant.
(10-27-2016 - 07:43 PM)Axe Wrote:
(10-27-2016 - 07:27 PM)Red Wrote: That's a good point, I never considered the Government. At least you'd probably get a chance to go into Area 51.

No, more like they'd use you in combat and if you were not useful enough they'd dispose of you so you wouldn't become a threat to the country is what I meant.

That's make sense. I'd like to be a Kung Fu machine though. Sounds good to me, I'd escape to space. ^^
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