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How long you've been a member for and why did you join! (Experience Post)

by Fluxxy - 02-26-2020 - 05:36 PM
Obviously my account is quite old, nearing the 4 year mark.

Reason i joined was to spread out into different forums as the main eye of the scene really was "leakforums" which isn't a thing anymore and is a thing of the past.

Finding out what DemonForums was about i stayed active for quite a while but slowly became detached from the scene back in late 2016/early 2017 as i was mostly interested in the xbox 360 modding community but turned into the cancer it probably still is today but who knows lol. i deleted all my stuff from back then and sold my RGH to keep away for the shit scene.

If you can remember who i am drop a comment and see if i can still remember you! On skype my user was itzflux_, previously actively known as "IAmFluxxy" "Infinite" and "Fluxxy" as it is now :)

Drop your experiences below of why you joined :)
I joined in 2017

I joinded to try learn some stuff and sin e i been on here i have learned alot and the staff have allways been a pleasure to deal with when ever i have had a problem:-)
i joined in 2017

reason i joined cant really remember tbh i think i joined to help df and here i am still
leak forums closed  there 360 stuff and I guess I have been around 1yr or so...sup fluxxy.. its Tw1zT3d247 or now Sid3CarSlim247 i remember you from leak forums and skype as well...hope all is well with u bro.
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(02-27-2020 - 09:57 AM)Sid3CarSlim247 Wrote: leak forums closed  there 360 stuff and I guess I have been around 1yr or so...sup fluxxy.. its Tw1zT3d247 or now Sid3CarSlim247 i remember you from leak forums and skype as well...hope all is well with u bro.
hey bro i remember you damn! its been a while hahah, all is well my friend. how about you?
been here about 2 years :P

not a bad place, just full or dickheads
I'm on 4 years, tbh forgot why i joined lol
I cant remember when i joined i just know it was 4+ years ago back when DF started. @3 asked me to check it out and it seemed to be a promising idea so i joined and have been here since. Havent been that active although i do hop on and check out whats going on once and awhile. Joined mainly for the x360 modding side but since i quit modding i think thats why i dont post as much. Still love the site but with an adult life and no having much free time i do tend to forget to get on and see what people are up to on here.
I remember you, we talked a few times on skype. My skype: randomsss1
This account is currently banned
Ban reason: affiliation with king/giths.
My Account (XKE) is 540 Days old.
but i was joined on DF at 2018
DISCORD: xexghosted

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