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Hello Folks, I enjoy this site as much as u do

by TheLa5tStandV8 - 04-24-2016 - 08:02 AM
I'm new and been reviewing some heavy stuff from Demon Forums website. I quite actually like it and it fun to sit back and be able to relax a bit. I enjoy reading other people post in the forums and I enjoy learning new things that I never even heard of before. This is gonna be a big step for me to take on and be able to improve this site much better for useful information to give out base on what I've learn on my own. I know little about C++ and know a lot about how to get mods and how modding works, I went through hell for 2 years to figure all of this shit out on my own. I notice a lot of people like to the keep the information shit to themselves rather than sharing, and it funny because when they don't share, they die with the files for the rest of their lives that no one will be able to discover what he had in these files for us to explore. So please people, keep up with the good post, because it really getting interesting. May the devil bless this site. If yall have any question about my knowledge feel free to ask me away. I also have Skype as well.
Welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy your time here and share your knowledge widely.
Hello and welcome, I hope to see you active and enjoying your time here.
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