Hi, this is just something someone wanted me to make for them a while back, I want to contribute to the community so I decided to share this.
Note: I got some of the code from online, but I can't remember where I got it from, but, credits to whoever wrote it.
Note: I got some of the code from online, but I can't remember where I got it from, but, credits to whoever wrote it.
Oh, btw, remember to import System.Management (using System.Management;)
public string GetHDDSerial() // Public string that contains the variable of the hardware id string from URL.txt
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_PhysicalMedia");
foreach (ManagementObject wmi_HD in searcher.Get())
if (wmi_HD["SerialNumber"] != null)
return wmi_HD["SerialNumber"].ToString();
return string.Empty;
private void lgnhwid_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
System.Net.WebClient Wc = new System.Net.WebClient();
string pplbanned = Wc.DownloadString("Web URL"); // Banned Hardware ID's from server
string pplallowed = Wc.DownloadString("Web URL"); // Whitelisted Hardware ID's from server
if (pplbanned.Contains(GetHDDSerial())) // this if statement checks if the System Hardware ID matches with the string from the server
MessageBox.Show("You have been banned from '[name]'!", Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
else if (pplallowed.Contains(GetHDDSerial()))
MessageBox.Show("You're allowed to use '[name]', Welcome.", Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
HWDI_Login frm = new HWDI_Login();
MessageBox.Show("You're not whitelisted, make sure you sent Your" +
" Hwid to [name] and you bought our [product].", Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
private void HWDI_Login_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var mbs = new ManagementObjectSearcher("Select ProcessorId From Win32_processor"); // Get System Hardware id
ManagementObjectCollection mbsList = mbs.Get();
string id = "";
foreach (ManagementObject mo in mbsList)
id = mo["ProcessorId"].ToString();
System_HWDI.Text = "System Hardware ID: " + id;