i try test this menu thx.
(08-24-2018 - 12:59 AM)JxckyyModz Wrote:Cool base!Hi Everyone , NEW MOD MENU BASE FOR GTA 5 (RGH/JTAG) ONLY!
Must know basics for Coding and any Visual Studio Between 2010-2017(C++ or C#)
Also to note that this base does not include the Coordinates and you can find the 720p the GTA tool in forums somewhere by my Guy Smexy!
I'd like to release a basic and easy mod menu base too the modding community and also to people who are wanting to learncoding and develop there new skill creating there own GTA 5 Mod menu, ENJOY!
NOTE: Make sure to read the .txt for more details and DM me back on here for more info :)
Download Link:Content Unlocked
Content is hidden
Screenshots of Base: https://gyazo.com/9d7cbbef4ef61d53e0260f3039d4fa62
(08-24-2018 - 12:59 AM)JxckyyModz Wrote:Hi Everyone , NEW MOD MENU BASE FOR GTA 5 (RGH/JTAG) ONLY!
Must know basics for Coding and any Visual Studio Between 2010-2017(C++ or C#)
Also to note that this base does not include the Coordinates and you can find the 720p the GTA tool in forums somewhere by my Guy Smexy!
I'd like to release a basic and easy mod menu base too the modding community and also to people who are wanting to learncoding and develop there new skill creating there own GTA 5 Mod menu, ENJOY!
NOTE: Make sure to read the .txt for more details and DM me back on here for more info :)
Screenshots of Base: https://gyazo.com/9d7cbbef4ef61d53e0260f3039d4fa62
this not what I thought its a base of some kind I gusse but not what I was looking for
(08-24-2018 - 12:59 AM)JxckyyModz Wrote:Oi todos, NEW MOD MENU BASE PARA GTA 5 (RGH / JTAG) SOMENTE!
Deve saber o básico para codificação e qualquer Visual Studio Entre 2010-2017(C ++ ou C #)
Também para notar que esta base não inclui as coordenadas e você pode encontrar o 720p da ferramenta GTA em fóruns em algum lugar pelo meu Guy Smexy!
Eu gostaria de lançar uma base de menu de mod básico e fácil também a comunidade modding e também para as pessoas que estão querendo aprendercodificação e desenvolver lá novas habilidades criando lá próprio menu Mod GTA 5, APROVEITE!
NOTA: Certifique-se de ler o .txt para mais detalhes e DM me de volta aqui para mais informações :)
Link para download: [ocultar] Conteúdo oculto [/ ocultar]
Verificação de Vírus: https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/9e4db6.../detection
Screenshots de Base: https://gyazo.com/9d7cbbef4ef61d53e0260f3039d4fa62
ok boa liberaçao muito otimo
(08-24-2018 - 12:59 AM)JxckyyModz Wrote:Hi Everyone , NEW MOD MENU BASE FOR GTA 5 (RGH/JTAG) ONLY!
Must know basics for Coding and any Visual Studio Between 2010-2017(C++ or C#)
Also to note that this base does not include the Coordinates and you can find the 720p the GTA tool in forums somewhere by my Guy Smexy!
I'd like to release a basic and easy mod menu base too the modding community and also to people who are wanting to learncoding and develop there new skill creating there own GTA 5 Mod menu, ENJOY!
NOTE: Make sure to read the .txt for more details and DM me back on here for more info :)
Screenshots of Base: https://gyazo.com/9d7cbbef4ef61d53e0260f3039d4fa62
Nicee Man
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