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Experiencing a Party Life...

by eclectus - 03-14-2018 - 02:03 PM
After a decade I decided to go out on the bar..
 I ordered one bottle of Beer.. 
the waiter ask me  about.. 
Waiter:  Why you're alone sir? don't you have any friends??
I replied..
Me: I have lots of friends on facebook, LinkedIn.. hangout... and other FORUMS..
realizing that I have lots of friends online.. but my local friends are 0... T_T 
then I tried to communicate with other people at that bar..
sad to say it doesn't have a good output.. 
because seeing most of the people there are not logical thinker..
and at the end we got a fight....
and I ended up on the JAIL for one night because of that happening..

Then after a night on Jail I promised to my self that I will never going out again..
I am enjoying my life in front of computer.. CODING.. LEARNING... and doing lots of works...

But I hope someday... we all programmers have a place where we can enjoy our local network...
with others.. not only on social network or on internet network ^_^ ....
great buddy hope you have fun, unlike you im just here for fortnite XD
(03-14-2018 - 03:25 PM)SatanicSalad Wrote: great buddy hope you have fun, unlike you im just here for fortnite XD

It's not fun!! its tragic.. I ended up in Jail and i am very dis-honored by what I have done out there... I mean I know my self but those people not know me...  but they know people out there... 

And what do you mean?? fortnite?? ""you mean fortune?? what do you do>?? I am looking for fortune.. and now I really need fortune.. I'm having a very financial crisis now. due to my father that need medication and for my mother that needs an operation on her Ovary... T_T XD

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