I know this isn't really cracking but sure some here could use this
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step 1: log into dying light and join your friends game -you need to be in dyinglight the following or else it wont work
step 2: run over to your stash bag and scroll up and down for about 18 seconds or so (this preloads the stash)
step 3:when ready stay exit your stash and stay hovered over it (very important you don't move)
step 4: quickly have your friend kick you out of his/her game ,as soon as they do you will see a pop up that says you have been kicked
step5: quickly press the comfirm button (on ps4 that is "X")
step 6: a second pop up will come up and you have to quickly press confirm and then spam the button to open your stash (on ps4 this is square)
step 7: keep spamming it until you see your bag open then stop and let it finish loading
step 8: you are now in your stash on your own game, scroll through your stash (not inventory) and drop 1 stack of items exit and pick up
congrats you have now duplicated an item
step 9:repeat
*please note I tried this and used it about 3 weeks ago*
*dying light takes forever for them to patch glitches so I highly think this still works*
I know this isn't really cracking but sure some here could use this
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step 1: log into dying light and join your friends game -you need to be in dyinglight the following or else it wont work
step 2: run over to your stash bag and scroll up and down for about 18 seconds or so (this preloads the stash)
step 3:when ready stay exit your stash and stay hovered over it (very important you don't move)
step 4: quickly have your friend kick you out of his/her game ,as soon as they do you will see a pop up that says you have been kicked
step5: quickly press the comfirm button (on ps4 that is "X")
step 6: a second pop up will come up and you have to quickly press confirm and then spam the button to open your stash (on ps4 this is square)
step 7: keep spamming it until you see your bag open then stop and let it finish loading
step 8: you are now in your stash on your own game, scroll through your stash (not inventory) and drop 1 stack of items exit and pick up
congrats you have now duplicated an item
step 9:repeat
please note it is super easy to crash your system so please don't get "greedy " ,
be patient drop one stack at a time ect,
and make sure to have a back-up save data