thanks for the sahre!
(11-03-2018 - 01:39 PM)360 Wrote: Sorry if this thread has mistakes I've been up all night and yet to sleep.
Apparently, this is "Private" according to some people. Who knows why but this thread is here anyways.
This can be used to dump any module loaded in xam. I will leave an example in the end for the people who want to straight C+P into their own source but it may not be perfect, so don't ask for help.
Instead, I'm just going to give a rundown on how to Dump a Module.
To start we are going to need to retrieve the address and the size of the module that we are wanting to dump. (If you use a data grid you can use the selected cell function to retrieve these values, otherwise doing the way I've made mine).
Code:uint Address = uint.Parse(ModuleAddress.Text, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
uint Size = uint.Parse(ModuleSize.Text, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
After retrieving the Address and Size of the Module we want to Dump we can move onto retrieving the memory from the module and storing it ready to be exported.
So to do this we're going to use GetMemory and then the Address and Size for the 2 parameters.
Code:byte[] XexBytes = targetConsole.GetMemory(Address, Size);
Now the final step is to export which can be done by a simple 'SaveFileDialog'
Code:SaveFileDialog XexDialog = new SaveFileDialog{
FileName = "Dumped_Xex,
Filter = "Xex files (*.xex)|*.xex|All files (*.*)|*.*"
if(XexDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
File.WriteAllBytes(XexDialog.FileName, XexBytes);
If you're using Tabel or too lazy here is the
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(11-03-2018 - 01:39 PM)360 Wrote: Sorry if this thread has mistakes I've been up all night and yet to sleep.
Apparently, this is "Private" according to some people. Who knows why but this thread is here anyways.
This can be used to dump any module loaded in xam. I will leave an example in the end for the people who want to straight C+P into their own source but it may not be perfect, so don't ask for help.
Instead, I'm just going to give a rundown on how to Dump a Module.
To start we are going to need to retrieve the address and the size of the module that we are wanting to dump. (If you use a data grid you can use the selected cell function to retrieve these values, otherwise doing the way I've made mine).
Code:uint Address = uint.Parse(ModuleAddress.Text, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
uint Size = uint.Parse(ModuleSize.Text, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
After retrieving the Address and Size of the Module we want to Dump we can move onto retrieving the memory from the module and storing it ready to be exported.
So to do this we're going to use GetMemory and then the Address and Size for the 2 parameters.
Code:byte[] XexBytes = targetConsole.GetMemory(Address, Size);
Now the final step is to export which can be done by a simple 'SaveFileDialog'
Code:SaveFileDialog XexDialog = new SaveFileDialog{
FileName = "Dumped_Xex,
Filter = "Xex files (*.xex)|*.xex|All files (*.*)|*.*"
if(XexDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
File.WriteAllBytes(XexDialog.FileName, XexBytes);
If you're using Tabel or too lazy here is the
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