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Dashboard hook

by Lauren - 02-26-2021 - 09:41 PM
This may be a long shot but does anyone have any information on something i can hook for d3d while on the xbox dashboard.

Looking to do something cool using d3d on the dashboard if i can figure this out.
someone I know did some stuff with this on they posted on GitHub

he also did some work with HUD

I hope this helps you and yes cuz he's everything on the system as possible. dude just like on computers you can hook anything and see what it does. :)
if you like my posts and want to see more please plus rep
(03-06-2021 - 02:52 PM)the1Domo Wrote: someone I know did some stuff with this on they posted on GitHub

he also did some work with HUD

I hope this helps you and yes cuz he's everything on the system as possible. dude just like on computers you can hook anything and see what it does. :)
Thanks a bunch, ill give it a play around with.
hey man just keep us informed with your progress if you have any questions just post them back. and I will help you or someone else in the community will let's try to make this fun!!!
if you like my posts and want to see more please plus rep
(02-26-2021 - 09:41 PM)Kat-xKoVx Wrote: This may be a long shot but does anyone have any information on something i can hook for d3d while on the xbox dashboard.

Looking to do something cool using d3d on the dashboard if i can figure this out.

(03-06-2021 - 02:52 PM)the1Domo Wrote: someone I know did some stuff with this on they posted on GitHub

he also did some work with HUD

I hope this helps you and yes cuz he's everything on the system as possible. dude just like on computers you can hook anything and see what it does. :)
Now, this is pretty cool! D3D is really fun to hook and find things with. I'm unsure if most D3D stuff for pc would work, as the D3D functions look cut vs. the current pc ones, but you can still do a lot of things. Nice post man!

I also noticed, the asm patches will need to be updated, so here's to kickstart your research op.

Note this says it's for 12611, but these offsets do not exist. they are different functions.

Other notes:
# public: virtual long __cdecl CHUDBkgndModule::Render(void)
.globl XuiRenderPresent #gets called from: # public: virtual long __cdecl CXuiModule::Render(void)

Trying to find what dash these were for the file says 12611, but I don't believe those offsets are correct for 12611.  I could be wrong.
Otherwise the original instruction on a retail kit are the following on 12611.
.text:819545E4 loc_819545E4:                          # CODE XREF: sub_81954580+98j
.text:819545E4                lbz      r29, 0(r9)
.text:819545E8                clrlwi    r28, r10, 24
.text:819545EC                cmpwi    cr6, r10, 4
.text:819545F0                srw      r29, r29, r28
.text:819545F4                clrlwi    r29, r29, 28
.text:819545F8                stb      r29, 0(r8)
.text:819545FC                bne      cr6, loc_8195460C
.text:81954600                li        r10, 0
.text:81954604                addi      r9, r9, -1
.text:81954608                b        loc_81954610

VOID __declspec(naked) XuiRenderPresentHooked(VOID)

819545E4 38800000             li r4,0
819545E8 807C007C            lwz r3,7Ch(r28)
819545EC 4BFC413D            bl CHUDBkgndModule::Render (81918728h)
819545F0 38800000             li r4,0
819545F4 807D0B0C            lwz r3,0B0Ch(r29)   #Pointer storage for later 0x0B0Ch

        /* Grab Direct3D Pointer for usage */
        lwz r3,0x0B0C(r29)
        mr g_d3d_device,r3

    if(firstrun == true)
          firstrun = false;


    DbgPrint("Returning to normal xam code\r\n");
        /* Replace Overwritten Code */
        li r4,0
        lwz r3,0x7C(r28)
        lis r11,0x8191
        ori r11,r11,0x8728 #0x81918728
        mtctr r11
        li r4,0
        lwz r3,0x0B0C(r29) #our pointer storage for r3 0x0B0C

        /* Return back to xam */
        lis r11,0x8195
        ori r11,r11,0x45F4 #0x819545F4
        mtctr r11

Hope this helps!
I am a professional Memphis Rap music producer, on top of that, I personally work hard at 2 jobs, while on top of music; But in my free time, I'll reverse IOS/Android/Console Applications. If you have any questions about Xbox stuff, don't be afraid to hit me up!


Cool idea you be nice to see the outcome!

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