Step 1 :
Once you haved got all the requirements, Open up Multi-Force.
Step 2 :
Click "File", "Proxies" now load the proxys that you have that are WORKING into the program.
Step 3 :
Once you have added the proxies, You want to add accounts to multi-force, Click "Add" and select the combo list you downloaded/made/bought.
Step 4 :
Now Click "File", "Start" and now the program will start checking the accounts.
Questions :
Why cant i never get accounts?
Your combo list isnt good, Fresh/new or not used combo lists are better for cracking accounts.
It doesnt check accounts?
Then you will need better proxies, or working proxys. Below i will leave a link that will check your proxies for you to make sure they are working.
Where can i get good proxies for this?
Online, Purchase or get from other users.
Where can i get combolists?
Online, Purchase them from users on the site.