Quote:The base's current primary purpose is publicly unknown; however, based on historical evidence, it most likely supports development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons systems (black projects). The intense secrecy surrounding the base has made it the frequent subject of no wonder why it's considered to be unvisitable by visitors or even the army or marines.
You know what motherfucker. We live in a America, and we got some bad ass marine that would be more happy to go over there to drop a big ass bomb on area 51. Wtf u mean the army aren't able to visit the area 51 dick face. You think the Russian gives a fuck about Area 51 rules. I'm sure they don't. Puttin made a threat to the United state government that if they don't tell the truth about alien that does exist, he will reveal the information himself. I'm sure the American is now pissing in their pant after hearing and seeing that puttin making a move on American war head ships by doing a fuckin barrel roll over their ships. They aren't afraid to fight. American is full of shit, full of fuckin lies and we are sick of it. Even know Hillary Clinton also made a statement that she is going to declassified Area 51 as soon as she become the president of the United State. Donald Trump is a faggot, all he care about is money and electoral vote that he get credited for. He want people to kneel down and suck his penis like an idiot by blocking all Muslim from entering this country. What do we know, it the government that created this, they were the one that responsible for the 9/11 attack by allowing it to happen. How the fuck did the pentagon ending up having a plane crashing into the building when people said the bomb went off. There was no plane. Also the plane that crashed the world trade center was being controlled by alien that killed the fuckin radar. If you watch youtube more often u will see how clearly it is that the alien went right through the fuckin world trade center without getting damage. This is a sign that the alien is telling us to not fuck with them. Area 51 is probably the reason behind all of this attack that a lot of people claim that they are building a mind control program to manipulate the weather, manipulate people brain, there so much shit u have no idea where all the money going to when people are being force to pay taxes. This world is corrupted and controlled by aliens like I said. They have the power to destroy our country and what else u know about the government that not telling us right now. They are scare because they don't want people to panic, but later in the long run if more and more people see this shit, they will began to realize how the government is trying to brain wash us. The list go on and on, even Phil got murder in his own home with a cord wrap around his neck. He told the truth to the media about what happen and people are saying he lying, it all bullshit. They are trying to cover their track of how much damage Phil has done to those people that he couldn't trust what they were doing. The problem is we are citizen that can't do shit. We are useless to the government, why it because we listen to their crap everyday and follow what they want us to do. It time for all of you to start digging and find out why the airplane been missing so many times in the Usa world wide breaking news. It is the alien or the government.