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Aleppo airstrikes 'kill at least 50' civilians in rebel-held areas

by SQUID-EYE - 10-12-2016 - 11:30 AM
Rebel-held eastern Aleppo has again been bombarded from the air – less than a week after a UN warning that it could be completely destroyed before Christmas.

Residents and rescue workers reported at least 50 civilian deaths in the city and surrounding villages, according to the Reuters news agency.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Russian jets had been involved.
"There is renewed bombardment and it is heavy," said Zakaria Malhifji, from the Fastaqim rebel group.


Personally Russia need to be looked into, they keep denying all allegations but have no solid proof that they have not done it.
[Image: NdyCfS2.png]
its sad that innocent people die for others' faults.. in general i have noticed that when in a place its getting completely fucked up by the government or army then you should move away as far as possible.
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(10-12-2016 - 01:11 PM)Harry Potter Wrote: its sad that innocent people die for others' faults.. in general i have noticed that when in a place its getting completely fucked up by the government or army then you should move away as far as possible.

It's mean't to be flattened to earth by xmas.. so not a liveable state.. a no-mans land
[Image: NdyCfS2.png]
(10-12-2016 - 01:13 PM)SQUID-EYE Wrote:
(10-12-2016 - 01:11 PM)Harry Potter Wrote: its sad that innocent people die for others' faults.. in general i have noticed that when in a place its getting completely fucked up by the government or army then you should move away as far as possible.

It's mean't to be flattened to earth by xmas.. so not a liveable state.. a no-mans land

So for some people the Earth really is flat. Seriously though, it honestly sucks that people have to die for silly stuff.
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The outrage over Aleppo reeks of Western propaganda.
USA had no problems wrecking Iraq a new asshole during the invasion, more than 200.000 people were killed in Iraq since 2002. But when Putin moves in to save his ally, he's the bad guy.

Makes me think of that one time last year when USA was warning Russia they should watch out for civilian casualties, and then 1-2 days later they bombed a Medecins Sans Frontieres hospital for hours, which they knew the position of, and they also didn't stop after repeated messages that they were hitting the hospital.

Of course, this does not mean that Russia is doing nothing wrong, but I very much dislike how they are being painted as evil boogeymen when we, the West, have been doing the same for decades.
news that doesnt make the news

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