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アニメエリート - Anime Club

by Rin - 10-03-2016 - 10:58 PM
[Image: 3SVisJR.jpg]

Welcome to アニメエリート
アニメエリート is a club based around anime and lounge. 
In here, we'll discuss about anime, watch anime together, chat and share pictures/stories/videos.
We aim to watch at least one season of an anime a month and discuss about it at the end of the month.
We will use Discord for our communication, since we aren't a usergroup (yet, this might change). 
In here, you'll not only write, but also speak. We want to socialize inside the club a lot, so if you're afraid of speaking
you might want to re-consider joining. 
Of course we are not only about anime, you are free to talk about gaming, music and anything else in the right 
sections of the discord server. 
Sounds good to you? See below what you need to enter!
Before you become a full member, you'll have to apply. Once accepted, you'll be a probationary member for at least 2 weeks.
In that time you can get the feel for the club, decide if you're okay with us and we decide if we're okay with you.
If it happens that each side is okay with each other, you'll become a full member.


In order to join アニメエリート you need to apply. 
Besides having an interest in socialising and anime, you don't need anything else. 
You won't need a specific amount of posts or anything, but you need 
to write a good application, because I don't want people in here
who stay for like 3 days and leave. Also, if you your top ten anime
consist out of Dragonball, One Piece and Fairy Tale, you don't need to apply.
We want to people watch more than just whats mainstream. A part of the clubs goal is 
also to watch not so known anime. 
In order to apply post below with answers to the following questions:

Why do you want to join us?
Why should we accept you? 
Tell us about you, we want to get known to each other!
What are you favourite 5 anime and why?
(Go into depth, I'll ignore it if you write like 5 sentences)
Do you want to socialize with other members also by talking?
Will you wear the club logo (the picture in the thread) in your signature? (It's okay if it's in a spoiler)
Anything else you want to tell us?

Goodluck with applying! And a HUGE thanks to @Red for the logo, very good work!
I won't join but I like the idea a lot, I hope people join.  :yus:
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[Image: FTYbRmR.gif]
Why do you want to join us? Because I'm very knowledgeable in anime and I'd love to discuss with other people regarding multiple subjects in anime whether it be a new episode review or a season discussion.

Why should we accept you? Because I'll greatly contribute to any discussion thrown at me and I have years of experience with anime and manga.

Tell us about you, we want to get known to each other!  I'm Axe, or Chris if you want to get personal. My hobbies/interests include, but are not limited to; Music, Gaming, Programming, Anime, Technology, and Socializing. I'd honestly say I'm the chillest guy you'll ever meet because even due to my administration position here on the site, I remained the same and will always be just who I am no matter what position I'm put in. I don't play favorites but I still have love towards my friends at the end of the day. I'm 19 and currently in the Air Force as an IT Technician.

What are you favorite 5 anime and why?
(Go into depth, I'll ignore it if you write like 5 sentences)
oOooh this is a hard one. You're in for a long haul.

Shokugeki no Soma
For starters, this is an anime solely about cooking and the development of the main characters abilities as a chef. When he goes to a school away from home he has to learn to adapt to his surroundings and new environment and learn new ways to enhance his cooking. The main reason I became attracted to this anime is because it's widely different from all the others ones being put out nowadays. It's something fresh, never before seen, and also life-like. I get so hungry watching this show, that's the only bad thing about it. Other than that, the plot and character development is out of this world.

This is a juicy one. Without spoiling anything, well, maybe I'll spoil something... The plot is based on the main character having the ability to die and restart his day from a save point due to being taken over by a certain someone. He encounters many beasts and people of the cult that he needs to fend off in order to protect those that he feels are close to him. For that reason he needs to be much stronger than he is now to stand by the one he loves, which is hated by everyone in the world. It's a Romance/Comedy/Action themed anime. And the plot is deep so you have to be really into it in order to grasp the entirety of the series.

One Punch Man
Okay, let's be honest... this really doesn't even need a review. If you don't know what this is or why it makes my Top 5, you shouldn't be on this thread. But just because I feel like it, One Punch Man is in a class of it's own. It's about a main character as plain as they come, like some Classic Lays chips; he shows no emotion. Even though he has no emotion or desire to do anything other than be a hero, he's without a doubt the strongest man on Earth. Being able to single handedly ( literally ) destroy any enemy he encounters within only a single punch.

Anything else would take about 30 minutes each to write.

Do you want to socialize with other members also by talking? Of course, that's the entire reason of me applying to the group. Socializing is the main reason I want to join the group, hearing other peoples opinions and sounding like a smartass completely expresses the reason I'd join a group.
Will you wear the club logo (the picture in the thread) in your signature? (It's okay if it's in a spoiler) Probably not.
Anything else you want to tell us? hai.
(10-05-2016 - 01:49 AM)Axe Wrote: Why do you want to join us? Because I'm very knowledgeable in anime and I'd love to discuss with other people regarding multiple subjects in anime whether it be a new episode review or a season discussion.

Why should we accept you? Because I'll greatly contribute to any discussion thrown at me and I have years of experience with anime and manga.

Tell us about you, we want to get known to each other!  I'm Axe, or Chris if you want to get personal. My hobbies/interests include, but are not limited to; Music, Gaming, Programming, Anime, Technology, and Socializing. I'd honestly say I'm the chillest guy you'll ever meet because even due to my administration position here on the site, I remained the same and will always be just who I am no matter what position I'm put in. I don't play favorites but I still have love towards my friends at the end of the day. I'm 19 and currently in the Air Force as an IT Technician.

What are you favorite 5 anime and why?
(Go into depth, I'll ignore it if you write like 5 sentences)
oOooh this is a hard one. You're in for a long haul.

Shokugeki no Soma
For starters, this is an anime solely about cooking and the development of the main characters abilities as a chef. When he goes to a school away from home he has to learn to adapt to his surroundings and new environment and learn new ways to enhance his cooking. The main reason I became attracted to this anime is because it's widely different from all the others ones being put out nowadays. It's something fresh, never before seen, and also life-like. I get so hungry watching this show, that's the only bad thing about it. Other than that, the plot and character development is out of this world.

This is a juicy one. Without spoiling anything, well, maybe I'll spoil something... The plot is based on the main character having the ability to die and restart his day from a save point due to being taken over by a certain someone. He encounters many beasts and people of the cult that he needs to fend off in order to protect those that he feels are close to him. For that reason he needs to be much stronger than he is now to stand by the one he loves, which is hated by everyone in the world. It's a Romance/Comedy/Action themed anime. And the plot is deep so you have to be really into it in order to grasp the entirety of the series.

One Punch Man
Okay, let's be honest... this really doesn't even need a review. If you don't know what this is or why it makes my Top 5, you shouldn't be on this thread. But just because I feel like it, One Punch Man is in a class of it's own. It's about a main character as plain as they come, like some Classic Lays chips; he shows no emotion. Even though he has no emotion or desire to do anything other than be a hero, he's without a doubt the strongest man on Earth. Being able to single handedly ( literally ) destroy any enemy he encounters within only a single punch.

Anything else would take about 30 minutes each to write.

Do you want to socialize with other members also by talking? Of course, that's the entire reason of me applying to the group. Socializing is the main reason I want to join the group, hearing other peoples opinions and sounding like a smartass completely expresses the reason I'd join a group.
Will you wear the club logo (the picture in the thread) in your signature? (It's okay if it's in a spoiler) Probably not.
Anything else you want to tell us? hai.

Thanks for your application. After it reading it 4 times I decided to accept you. I hope you'll enjoy it even though we're just two right now. Will shoot you a pm with the discord invite.

[Image: h0SLryf.gif]

[spoiler="Anime Club logo"][Image: RxX656N.jpg][/spoiler]
(10-03-2016 - 10:58 PM)Rin Wrote:
[Image: 3SVisJR.jpg]

Welcome to アニメエリート
アニメエリート is a club based around anime and lounge. 
In here, we'll discuss about anime, watch anime together, chat and share pictures/stories/videos.
We aim to watch at least one season of an anime a month and discuss about it at the end of the month.
We will use Discord for our communication, since we aren't a usergroup (yet, this might change). 
In here, you'll not only write, but also speak. We want to socialize inside the club a lot, so if you're afraid of speaking
you might want to re-consider joining. 
Of course we are not only about anime, you are free to talk about gaming, music and anything else in the right 
sections of the discord server. 
Sounds good to you? See below what you need to enter!
Before you become a full member, you'll have to apply. Once accepted, you'll be a probationary member for at least 2 weeks.
In that time you can get the feel for the club, decide if you're okay with us and we decide if we're okay with you.
If it happens that each side is okay with each other, you'll become a full member.


In order to join アニメエリート you need to apply. 
Besides having an interest in socialising and anime, you don't need anything else. 
You won't need a specific amount of posts or anything, but you need 
to write a good application, because I don't want people in here
who stay for like 3 days and leave. Also, if you your top ten anime
consist out of Dragonball, One Piece and Fairy Tale, you don't need to apply.
We want to people watch more than just whats mainstream. A part of the clubs goal is 
also to watch not so known anime. 
In order to apply post below with answers to the following questions:

Why do you want to join us?
Why should we accept you? 
Tell us about you, we want to get known to each other!
What are you favourite 5 anime and why?
(Go into depth, I'll ignore it if you write like 5 sentences)
Do you want to socialize with other members also by talking?
Will you wear the club logo (the picture in the thread) in your signature? (It's okay if it's in a spoiler)
Anything else you want to tell us?

Goodluck with applying! And a HUGE thanks to @Red for the logo, very good work!

Why do I want to join?
I fucking adore anime, manga, and I like the concept of having a growing community for anime

Why should you accept me?
Rem is best girl. Emilia is a filthy witch. Betelgeuse is the true best girl  That is all.

About Me
I'm Crunk (aka Mike), I've been watching anime for over a decade and have watched so much it hurts my head to actually think about it (I'm not kidding, it actually hurts typing this thought). I'm a gamer, a nerd, an athlete, an art connoisseur, I cook, and pretty much perform any other basic task. Probably the most important thing for everyone to know about me was I was able to watch the duration of Golden Time and Angel Beats! and I only cried 3 times. Also, I am a DM for a custom system of Dungeons and Dragons and run and design campaigns.

Top 5 Anime (5 being favorite)

  1.  Death Note: For me, Death Note was an earlier anime I watched on Toonami as a youth dub'ed and I kinda got the understanding of it back then, but more recently (within 3 years) watched it again sub'd and dub'd again and got a much better understanding of how badly Light's God-complex was and the actual gravity of the existence of the Death Notes. For me, the plot got me. It ran into some really interesting topics that as a kid, I was strangely into, as I grew up the intrigue from this idea of killing someone with a stroke of a pen was still baffling and the way Death Note presented this concept was done in a very very beautiful and intricate way. Both through the writing and the art choice. The animation was very very polish and smooth for 2006 and the sound design was perfect to me. The OST of Death Note is one of the best in my honest opinion.
  2. Full Metal Alchemist: FMA is a classic, one of the first anime I watched and a true classic. The idea of modern alchemy being practiced on such a grand-stage (every day life) was a foreign and crazy cool concept. Full Metal, Ed, and his younger brother Al are an iconic duo in anime and really provided this super intense conviction to become alchemists since the first inclusion of the manga and the anime. The emotional level of every episode was always so tense, even when the episode was meant to be fun and joyful because as the viewer you sit there with the constant reminder of what Edward and Alphonso went through, what they lost..all of this powerful emotion was presented in a such a beautiful art design (great outlines and shading for each scene) and very strong character designs and development throughout the whole series and if I include FMA:Brotherhood here as well, it make the story that much better.
  3. Deadman Wonderland: I..I just wanted an was too really was..I-I can't.
  4. Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu: HO-LEE SH-IET. This anime isn't finished, it is super recent and it is without a doubt one of my favorite anime of all time. The character designs (for me) were very strong, the sound design was incredible, the concept was a tad cliche at first, but it got better (after giving it 2 episodes), I got hooked. I binged the entire series in a day or two. I have zero regrets, other than I can't watch anymore of it. I am sad because of that alone and am very very anxious awaiting a second season White Fox, please if you have a heart at all, give us the second season. Rem for me is the most incredible character. She is just great, I actually get said thinking about how much she would sacrifice for damn man, if I had anyone similar to that, my life would be in such a different spot and I think I'd be happy...Any ways, I digress. The anime itself has great fight scenes packed into a fun fantasy rom-com.
  5. Angel Beats!: Alright, so this is legitimately the hardest choice for me. I'm not kidding when I say I have been writing this reply for almost 2 hours and have been meticulously deciding on my favorite and where they can fit...So on to Angel Beats! This anime made me cry, I don't think I cried that hard in years and I love this anime with a deep passion. Every character was beautiful designed and their reasons for staying at the school was all too real and their lives pre-death was so tragic (Yui - I cried like a bitch rewatching the anime knowing her story and watching her just move and smile). The concept was so unique and so beautiful and the anime entirely felt like the Game of Thrones of anime toward the end of the anime. Every character got a great amount of screen time and development that you felt connected to each person at that school and I really got attached to them. Everyone was great, the mood for the anime always felt so right and justified and when things were getting almost too sad, there was comic relief from someone (whether it be Yui, TK, or any of the cast really) and if you haven't watched the alternate ending of the anime, I strongly recommend you do if you have any respect for the anime, you will. If you have/or are reading this after you watched it: that was my head-cannon ending like 10 episodes before the ending.
  6. Spoiler Show
    Dragon Ball (The whole Series): What are you doing here? This is a secret spot..This is my head cannon, you aren't supposed to be reading this, shoo shoo..Nothing to see here. Just summoning Shenron to wish up my true feelings about DB, DBZ, DBGT, DBS, and the movies.. Anyways, yeah Dragon Ball as a whole is my all time favorite. I love the show, I can't describe why. I just always have and think I always will love Dragon Ball as a whole.

Do I socialize with other members? 
Well, I'm still relatively new and haven't gotten to meet enough people yet, but I want to! I love to fan-girl over the best waifu and why, and just love to discuss different anime. It's fun to me, it really is.

Will I wear the logo?
Hell yeah I will! Red did a great job plus Rem is my waifu, I have to represent her.

I seriously had more to say, but I have been working on this reply for a little over 2 and half hours and I still have work to do on my Dungeons and Dragons campaign and anime to watch...So thanks for reading!
wow i hope your anime group goes far

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