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[VB.NET]Creating a Basic Captcha String

by 1UP - 10-10-2016 - 11:24 PM
This was something I pulled from a test program I was messing with. I was writing an application to send some information to a remote database and to prevent "flooding" I could write in a captcha. Granted I would never include this because of how simple it is, it was rather easy.

First off our function to create the random string of letters.
Private Function generateCaptchaString()
        Dim rand As New Random
        Dim currentLetter As String
        Dim captchaString As String = ""
        For i = 0 To 6
            currentLetter = ChrW(rand.Next(Asc("A"), Asc("Z") + 1))
            captchaString &= currentLetter

        Return captchaString
    End Function

Then the code for creating the image with the string as apart of it.
'Set captchaText to what is generated in the function generateRandomString
        Dim captchaText As String = generateCaptchaString()

        'Creating a bitmap in memory
        Dim captchaBitmap As New Bitmap(200, 40)

        'Creating a Graphic so we can manipulate how the image will look
        Dim captchaGraphic As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(captchaBitmap)

        Dim captchaFont As New Font("Arial", 14)

        'Set the Text color
        Dim captchaForeColor As New SolidBrush(Color.Blue)

        'Set the background color
        Dim captchaBackgroundColor As New SolidBrush(Color.Yellow)

        captchaGraphic.FillRectangle(captchaBackgroundColor, 0, 0, Width, Height)
        captchaGraphic.DrawString(captchaText, captchaFont, captchaForeColor, 5.0F, 5.0F)

        pict_Captcha.Image = captchaBitmap
(10-10-2016 - 11:24 PM)1UP Wrote: This was something I pulled from a test program I was messing with. I was writing an application to send some information to a remote database and to prevent "flooding" I could write in a captcha. Granted I would never include this because of how simple it is, it was rather easy.

First off our function to create the random string of letters.
   Private Function generateCaptchaString()
       Dim rand As New Random
       Dim currentLetter As String
       Dim captchaString As String = ""
       For i = 0 To 6
           currentLetter = ChrW(rand.Next(Asc("A"), Asc("Z") + 1))
           captchaString &= currentLetter

       Return captchaString
   End Function

Then the code for creating the image with the string as apart of it.
       'Set captchaText to what is generated in the function generateRandomString
       Dim captchaText As String = generateCaptchaString()

       'Creating a bitmap in memory
       Dim captchaBitmap As New Bitmap(200, 40)

       'Creating a Graphic so we can manipulate how the image will look
       Dim captchaGraphic As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(captchaBitmap)

       Dim captchaFont As New Font("Arial", 14)

       'Set the Text color
       Dim captchaForeColor As New SolidBrush(Color.Blue)

       'Set the background color
       Dim captchaBackgroundColor As New SolidBrush(Color.Yellow)

       captchaGraphic.FillRectangle(captchaBackgroundColor, 0, 0, Width, Height)
       captchaGraphic.DrawString(captchaText, captchaFont, captchaForeColor, 5.0F, 5.0F)

       pict_Captcha.Image = captchaBitmap

This is a very nice tutorial man, very helpful. Thanks for sharing this method. Heart
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