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inactive accounts

by Satan - 12-11-2015 - 10:25 AM
i think that the site should have a system if an account has posted in months it would be deleted so someone can have the username and not take up space so it can have active people on the site a little suggestion
if you have any problems PM me by clicking here
yeah I agree with that .. some people just come on the forum and forget about it and never get on ...
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We will be adding something within a new Upgrade in the future were you can change your name once to an account that's been inactive for a long time or permanently banned.
Seems as though this has been accepted.
(12-16-2015 - 12:30 AM)ℛizlα Wrote: Seems as though this has been accepted.

It be a nice feature and yeah looks as if it has, good for the active community & users  :)
[Image: a8c1d492c00d84139e912c4ea57b6f85.png]

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