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Xbox Shield Cracked

by Clearout - 08-02-2020 - 12:09 AM
Nice , when is something good going to be leaked ? Lol jk nice drop :)
Thank you lmao xD
(08-02-2020 - 12:09 AM)Clearout Wrote: Today I will be releasing Xbox Shield cracked. How this came to be, well king(don't know why he calls himself that he is definitely not a king) likes to think he is oh so smart. He loves to talk but never can follow up with what he says. So here I am today following up with what I say I'm going to do. So let me explain how this works, you simply drag all of the files provided below onto the root of your Hdd(not inside of a folder) then set Crack.xex as a plugin(not Shield.xex). In the ShieldCrack.ini there is a cpukey that is a lifetime cpukey, if you are having trouble or if they ban that cpukey simply type a random one in, then replace the ShieldCrack.ini on the hdd. And boom you will have 21 day free trial(because thats what they do). So you will never ever have to pay for time on this shitty ass service.


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Update: So instead of fixing this(because he cant) he has decided to ban that user, there is another hard coded cpu with lifetime within the xex just remove the ini and you will have lifetime, or you can put a random cpukey and get the 21 day free trial lol nice try king big fail.

Lmfao done made them go into freemode
(08-02-2020 - 12:09 AM)Clearout Wrote: Today I will be releasing Xbox Shield cracked. How this came to be, well king(don't know why he calls himself that he is definitely not a king) likes to think he is oh so smart. He loves to talk but never can follow up with what he says. So here I am today following up with what I say I'm going to do. So let me explain how this works, you simply drag all of the files provided below onto the root of your Hdd(not inside of a folder) then set Crack.xex as a plugin(not Shield.xex). In the ShieldCrack.ini there is a cpukey that is a lifetime cpukey, if you are having trouble or if they ban that cpukey simply type a random one in, then replace the ShieldCrack.ini on the hdd. And boom you will have 21 day free trial(because thats what they do). So you will never ever have to pay for time on this shitty ass service.

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Update: So instead of fixing this(because he cant) he has decided to ban that user, there is another hard coded cpu with lifetime within the xex just remove the ini and you will have lifetime, or you can put a random cpukey and get the 21 day free trial lol nice try king big fail.

Lmfao done made them go into freemode

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