Hi, i'm posting a vehicle checker. I'm not really sure if this has been posted already, so don't judge me if yes. I find this handy and anyone else probably will. Basically, it checks if you are in spawned vehicle and if you are, the vehicle's blip will disappear until you get out. So your player blip is not over the spawned vehicle blip. I've created this many months ago and it's so easy, so no hide tags needed, enjoy.
bool BlipChecker = true;
Vehicle SpawnedVehicle[100];
int NumberSpawned = 0;
//Make Sure To Add This Also To Your Spawner
Blip VehicleBlip[100];
if (BlipChecker)
for (int i = 0; i < NumberSpawned; i++)
if (ENTITY::DOES_ENTITY_EXIST(SpawnedVehicle[i]))
if (PED::IS_PED_IN_VEHICLE(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), SpawnedVehicle[i], 0))
UI::SET_BLIP_ALPHA(VehicleBlip[i], 0);
else if (!PED::IS_PED_IN_VEHICLE(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), SpawnedVehicle[i], 0))
UI::SET_BLIP_ALPHA(VehicleBlip[i], 255);
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