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Would you rather...

by Drizzy - 02-12-2016 - 10:04 PM
Become Donald Trump for a day or Barack Obama for a week?

Haha, Donald Trump. Then, I can make him drop out and give all his cash to me.
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[Image: tumblr_llo0gbJ1lu1qiwkflo1_500.gif]
Well Im Already Black And I Kinda Have Power Over People Telling Them What To Do So Trump I Get To Be White Make Lies And Get Away With It XD
Would you rather be a Girl or Transexual ?
[Image: RQyFiiZ.png]
(02-13-2016 - 11:05 PM)Azzid Wrote: Would you rather be a Girl or Transexual ?

A girl.
[Image: hoMDRFm.gif]
(02-13-2016 - 11:13 PM)Gess Wrote:
Too Many Quotes (Click to View)

A girl.

AT this moment i woudl as well hahah
[Image: RQyFiiZ.png]
Be no-one of those two, because I am Asian and I don't know who they are, well, I know Barack Obama by his name, and a president, not by his doings or whatever the hell he's known for.
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If i become Barrack Obama for a DAY HMM
NAH they wont happen

100% I'd pick Trump for a day lol
I'd be Donald trump and give myself a small loan of a million dollars
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[Image: xvIWibM.png]
I'd rather become JFK for a minute.
And do an epic bullet-dodge.

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