Mainstream media is getting boring everyday so my main sources are infowars_com and rt_com ... of course on infowars you'll find lots of bizarre stuff incl. fake claims ... etc. but hey mainstream media also has got it's own fake news.
I really feel sorry for anyone who actually gets their news from FB, majority of people are force fed leftist bias almost everywhere nowadays. Sick.
Once you're redpilled, theres no going back. You start to see propaganda in things you probably loved like certain movies etc...
(01-17-2017 - 06:58 PM)buddhamanic Wrote: Mainstream media is getting boring everyday so my main sources are infowars_com and rt_com ... of course on infowars you'll find lots of bizarre stuff incl. fake claims ... etc. but hey mainstream media also has got it's own fake news.
Once you're redpilled, theres no going back. You start to see propaganda in things you probably loved like certain movies etc...
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