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What animu should I watch?

by SatanicSalad - 03-14-2018 - 02:58 PM
Here is the list of anime I wanna watch on crunchy, help me decide which one:
  • Death march to the parallel world rhapsody

  • Darling in the Franxx

  • Record of the Grancrest war

  • The ancient magus' Bride

  • Overlord S2

  • Full metal alchemist brotherhood (watched OG full metal already)

  • Sprirtpact

  • Phantom

  • Star Blazers

  • Magi

  • Black blood brothers

  • Black clover
Guys are there any on the list that are just terrible and I should skip or any you recomend?
I love op characters (overlord s1 was bae and most probably by the time you reply s2 is already binged out)
sportsmen. Interested has all devonshire difficulty gay assistance joy. Unaffected at ye of compliment alteration
allof them just do it
Friend of mine recommends Overlord S2. I'm not much of a weeb myself, but he sure as hell is so I'd bank on it being good.
Overlord S2 hehe
fma brotherhood is much better than the OG, just skip through the first couple of episodes cos they're retelling the story
Assassination Classroom is cool. Citrus is great if you want some lovey dovey stuff
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(03-14-2018 - 02:58 PM)SatanicSalad Wrote: Here is the list of anime I wanna watch on crunchy, help me decide which one:
  • Death march to the parallel world rhapsody

  • Darling in the Franxx

  • Record of the Grancrest war

  • The ancient magus' Bride

  • Overlord S2

  • Full metal alchemist brotherhood (watched OG full metal already)

  • Sprirtpact

  • Phantom

  • Star Blazers

  • Magi

  • Black blood brothers

  • Black clover
Guys are there any on the list that are just terrible and I should skip or any you recomend?
I love op characters (overlord s1 was bae and most probably by the time you reply s2 is already binged out)

The really hard choice all of the animes are amazing, but my favorite is probably Death march to the parallel world rhapsody though you should probably not watch it because you get to into it then you wait every day for the newest episode to come out. So every other episode is fine :)
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Darling in the Franxx
Really dude you must watch FMA Brotherhood

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