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Weirdest thing happened

by C22 - 04-18-2016 - 02:03 AM
So today I decided to wake and bake. for those who don't know wake and bake means when you wake up you get faded (smoke weed)

But after a couple bowls on the bong and a blunt (normally what I do), I felt weird. Almost a bad trap feel. My ears felt all clogged up, my hearing sucked ass and All I heard was ringing. this happened as I was in the middle of making pancakes, aInd  I decided to turn off the stove and go lay down for a few minutes. Felt better and then got back up and the same thing happened. So I slept for a couple hours to let the buzz go down. 

Feel better now but I'm not sure what happened and why? I never had this problem before.

Has this happened to anybody else before?
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Dammm that sucks never has that happen to me, did you get to make your pancakes ?
[Image: YiSMR5R.png]
(04-24-2016 - 02:59 PM)KingPup Wrote: Dammm that sucks never has that happen to me, did you get to make your pancakes ?

I ended up putting the batter in the fridge since it was in the middle Ii turned off the stove and went to take a 15-minute nap. felt a bit better and ended up eating them, they tasted like shit. Not sure if it's because I was high off my ass, or simply because my cooking skills are shit, and I messed up the recipe. Although I followed one off the internet lmao.
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It might have had something to do with a " Dicease " as it is called in its many states, causing the user a strict ringing in the ears.

Or you were just high.

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