I realize that this section isn't the most active but I'd like to make a team; a team I can hit up and we can 5-man. An actual Steam group. All that's necessary is simple: What position do you feel most comfortable as?
I, personally, find I perform the best as a rotator (For example on Inferno I'll play Arch to have easy access to both sites), and I'm both a rifler and an AWPer, but I find I have an excellent spray.
Ideally the positions would be: Rotator, A site player (interchangeable), B site player (interchangeable), AWPer and 2 riflers (Entry fraggers, the ones who aren't scared to die and the ones who'll give us intel.)
I, personally, find I perform the best as a rotator (For example on Inferno I'll play Arch to have easy access to both sites), and I'm both a rifler and an AWPer, but I find I have an excellent spray.
Ideally the positions would be: Rotator, A site player (interchangeable), B site player (interchangeable), AWPer and 2 riflers (Entry fraggers, the ones who aren't scared to die and the ones who'll give us intel.)
Yuma#3948 or smth idk