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Thoughts on Fortnite?

by Octum - 07-26-2018 - 07:43 AM
What's your personal opinion on it. And I'd love to see some of you go in depth, such as do you believe it's coded well? Do you think it's over-hyped? And what do you think about the game overall.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of it. And it's not because I think the game is bad in any sort of way, I just don't like battle royale games in general.
I think the hype is well deserved. Compared to its competition, it doesn't have nearly as many bugs (PUBG I'm looking at you :p). It offers something new to the battle royale genre with how it handles the aspect of building. Gameplay is also pretty face paced.

I don't play Fortnite all the time, but I do play it sometimes when I'm bored.
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[Image: 3BfWbKt.png]
Great game, the building aspect is definitely what sets apart the game from others . Also the community is driven well with a big forefront on twitch. I think the concept of making the game free is genius because it allows for no obstacles to stop an individual from trying the game. Once the individual loves the game, they proceed to buy all the skins with their mom's credit card because swag is so important. On the real though, I can see this game being one that holds a substantial audience for a solid amount of time. I hope this was in depth enough.

She said do you love me, 
I tell her only partly,
I only love mah bed & mah llama am sorry
I think it's a great game. It's VERY well-coded if you think about it. There's not a lot of glitches/bugs in the game at all. Fortnite is over-hyped, but it's well deserved. If you make a great game, then you deserve all the positive outcomes.

That's just what I think about it.
Its a good game but they’re slowly ruining it with all thw adding/nerfing weapons. If they focused on actually bettering the game it would be fun again.
I like Fortnite its a less serious battle royale appeals to the casual crowd, also alot more creative compared to other BattleRoyales
its ok, kinda quit a while ago and just cheat
pubg is way better than fortnight
its sick love it
idk tbh i just hate fortnite

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