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The advantages of using IP proxy for data capture mainly include

by hipias5proxy - 11-28-2023 - 12:08 PM
1. Improve security: Using a proxy server can hide your IP address, adding an extra layer of privacy protection.
2. Avoid IP bans: Commercial websites set limits on the amount of data that can be crawled to prevent crawlers from making too many requests, thereby slowing down the website. Use a sufficient proxy pool for crawling to allow the crawler to exceed the target website's rate limit by sending access requests from different IP addresses.
3. Access content in a specific area: Some websites block the IP addresses of competitors. Using a proxy can avoid this problem.
4. Enable heavy crawling: The more activity a crawler has, the more likely its activity will be tracked. For example, crawlers may visit the same website too quickly or at specific times of day, or access web pages that are not directly accessible, which puts them at risk of being blocked. Proxies provide anonymity and allow more concurrent sessions to the same or different websites.


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