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The Hacker's Manual

by Wolf - 11-29-2015 - 03:57 AM
The Hacker's Manual

by Scale

Do you think you could be a Hacker? The ordinary person thinks "Hacking is easy" or "I can learn everything about hacking within a week if I just study the art of it, and nonstop learn". But that isn't true, it takes experience. Learning and failing, learning and failing on repeat. Learning from your past mistakes will make you better at what you do, no matter what it is. When I first started I thought I would learn everything within a certain period of time, but it didn't work. It took me a lot longer to learn everything I know now, and even at the state I am now I don't know everything. You need to keep your mind open and ready to learn 24/7

How does a Hacker think? A hacker, to the normal eye might seem as a person who has no feelings whatsoever, and spends his/her whole life in their basement destroying other peoples lives. But that is not true, well some people may actually do that but no one can judge them. It's similar to sitting in your basement playing Xbox, Playstation, Steam/PC all day. Hackers are a lot smarter than you think (outside of the computer world), they hide the fact that everything in the normal world bores them. The typical math class, history class, science class bores them. The fact that everything is repetitive and nothing is new to learn.

What does a Hacker need? A hacker needs, a brain ready to learn from their mistakes and accept them, a computer, keyboard, mouse, and maybe a USB if it is needed. Most hackers run on the Linux Operating System, practically any Distribution. When you first begin you're going to think that you'll need Kali Linux, but that's not true at all. You can run any Linux Distribution and do anything that Kali can do, as long as you install all of the needed plugins.

Penetration Testing Linux Distributions

Anonymity Linux Distributions

User Friendly Distributions

Anonymity What is Anonymity? Anonymity is the hackers best friend. Definition of Anonymity - "the condition of being anonymous". Your anonymity is the most important thing in a hackers life. Also known as "OPSEC" Definition - "Operations security (OPSEC) is a term originating in U.S. military jargon, as a process that identifies critical information to determine if friendly actions can be observed by enemy intelligence, determines if information obtained by adversaries could be interpreted to be useful to them". In basic terms OPSEC is your Anonymity. If you keep to yourself, and have no public information on the internet then you are perfectly safe.

Keep to yourself As you will learn from experience, or watch around in the "Scene" is that people who keep to themselves will never become a target. If you keep to yourself and don't disturb any other hackers then you should have no problem. Also, do NOT make yourself sound stupid. Don't act like you're "Undoxable" its a stupid thing to even mention. Everyone is able to be "Doxed".

How to hide your IP Hiding your IP is the core of Anonymity. If no one knows your IP address, and cannot find it then you have a pretty great Anonymity. However there will be a point that you will forget to turn your VPN/Proxy on and go onto the internet. VPN - "Virtual Private Network" In a basic standpoint it masks your home IP address, with the VPN Providers Servers. Paid for services are and will always be better than Free services. RA4WVPN is probably my favorite VPN of all time, it has a low price and a ton of different Servers to connect through. VPNBook is a great free vpn, has a few servers.

Paid VPN's

Free VPN

The Onion Router (TOR) What is TOR? TOR is a free software and an open network that helps you defend against traffic analysis, a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security. What does TOR do? TOR bounces your communications around a distributed network of relays (Proxy's). It protects you from people potentially watching over your Internet.

TOR Download

SQL Injection What is SQL? SQL - Structured Query Language. What is SQL Injection? SQL Injection is a code technique, used to attack driven applications, which malicious SQL statements are injected into an entry field for execution, to dump a database. You can find SQL Vulnerable sites via Google Dorks. You can tell when a site is vulnerable when you enter a ' at the end of the url, and it comes up as a "Syntax Error".


As you can see there is a Syntax error. That's how you can tell that it is in fact SQL Vulnerable.

SQLmap SQLMap is wonderful tool for SQL Injection. It can be used on Windows, and Linux. (If you would like a Tutorial on how to use this, post below asking for one! )


SQLMap tutorial

Havij Havij is another wonderful SQL Injection tool, which literally does all the work for you. (Beginners I suggest you use this)


Doxing No doxing is not considered hacking, it is completely legal and I have no clue why it is associated with "Hacking" . I'm not going to be going into detail on how to ISP dox, it takes experience and and knowing how to social engineer to do it. Which I personally cannot teach you how to speak to someone. I do suggest when you are going to be ISP doxing someone, is that you do it on a VPN and through Skype.

Basic Doxing Tools
A Brain.

( This took quite some time to write, so I really would enjoy the feedback! )
Damn this is HQ as fuck, but some edits.
1.) If you intend to "ethically hack" xD, only use Kali Linux. Parrot and Backbox are a combination of Ubuntu and Debian. Ubuntu has public servers and is monitored by the feds, so 10/10 you will get fucked. Kali Linux is Debian based only, so if you intend to actually hack, only use Kali as your Pen Test Distro.
2.) The best paid VPN is Private Internet Access. It's the best bang for your buck and a lot of their VPNs are near undroppable.
3.) Replace SQLMap with SQLiDumper. If you are using a Pen Testing Linux Distro, you will have SQLMap included, so SQLiDumper is better to include for those who only seek to SQL Inject.
Regardless of these edits, very good post and thank you for sharing!
[Image: fi1z8QY.jpg]

DemonForums Co-Founder
This is just brilliant :D just ... :D :P imma have to read all of this a couple of times ...
[Image: a8c1d492c00d84139e912c4ea57b6f85.png]
(11-29-2015 - 04:19 AM)Joker Wrote: Damn this is HQ as fuck, but some edits.
1.)   If you intend to "ethically hack" xD, only use Kali Linux.  Parrot and Backbox are a combination of Ubuntu and Debian.  Ubuntu has public servers and is monitored by the feds, so 10/10 you will get fucked.  Kali Linux is Debian based only, so if you intend to actually hack, only use Kali as your Pen Test Distro.  
2.)  The best paid VPN is Private Internet Access.  It's the best bang for your buck and a lot of their VPNs are near undroppable.
3.)  Replace SQLMap with SQLiDumper.  If you are using a Pen Testing Linux Distro, you will have SQLMap included, so SQLiDumper is better to include for those who only seek to SQL Inject.
Regardless of these edits, very good post and thank you for sharing!

But in reality, there is an actual small number of people who use Pentesting Linux distributions ethically, Kali, and ParrotSec are both based off Debian, Backbox is the only one based off Ubuntu. I've realized Kali is a very unstable distribution. I've never heard of Private Internet Access before, but I'll add that to the Paid VPN's list :D
Nice HQ Post! :D

Quote:"You cant fix stupid."
(11-29-2015 - 04:22 AM)XeTangy Wrote: This is just brilliant :D just ... :D :P imma have to read all of this a couple of times ...

Haha, read up bro
(11-29-2015 - 04:24 AM)Scale Wrote:
(11-29-2015 - 04:19 AM)Joker Wrote: Damn this is HQ as fuck, but some edits.
1.)   If you intend to "ethically hack" xD, only use Kali Linux.  Parrot and Backbox are a combination of Ubuntu and Debian.  Ubuntu has public servers and is monitored by the feds, so 10/10 you will get fucked.  Kali Linux is Debian based only, so if you intend to actually hack, only use Kali as your Pen Test Distro.  
2.)  The best paid VPN is Private Internet Access.  It's the best bang for your buck and a lot of their VPNs are near undroppable.
3.)  Replace SQLMap with SQLiDumper.  If you are using a Pen Testing Linux Distro, you will have SQLMap included, so SQLiDumper is better to include for those who only seek to SQL Inject.
Regardless of these edits, very good post and thank you for sharing!

But in reality, there is an actual small number of people who use Pentesting Linux distribution ethically, Kali, and ParrotSec are both based off Debian, Backbox is the only one based off Ubuntu. I've realized Kali is a very unstable distribution. I've never heard of Private Internet Access before, but I'll add that to the Paid VPN's list :D

Yeah I was misinformed about Parrot being Ubuntu, but nonetheless Backbox is out. When I said "ethically hacking" I was being sarcastic as no one ethically hacks.
[Image: fi1z8QY.jpg]

DemonForums Co-Founder
(11-29-2015 - 04:24 AM)slept Wrote: Nice HQ Post! :D


Thanks Slept :P
this is some of the best shit ive ever read man good job
(11-29-2015 - 04:33 AM)Goose Wrote:
(11-29-2015 - 03:57 AM)Scale Wrote: How does a Hacker think? A hacker, to the normal eye might seem as a person who has no feelings whatsoever, and spends his/her whole life in their basement destroying other peoples lives. But that is not true, well some people may actually do that but no one can judge them. It's similar to sitting in your basement playing Xbox, Playstation, Steam/PC all day. Hackers are a lot smarter than you think (outside of the computer world), they hide the fact that everything in the normal world bores them. The typical math class, history class, science class bores them. The fact that everything is repetitive and nothing is new to learn.
I can't describe how much I love this paragraph.

Most hackers are smarter than, well, most people. That's why they are
the ones who can do all the stuff they do...

Yeah exactly, and you'll never know if you are speaking to one in your everyday life, one of the kids in your class could be one, your neighbor's dad could be one, no one would ever know or suspect it.

(11-29-2015 - 04:38 AM)Inkss KVs Wrote: this is some of the best shit ive ever read man good job

Thanks Inkss Heart  I'm going to keep going at it

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