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The Future of Cybersecurity Is the Quantum Random Number Generator

by StLuis - 06-28-2018 - 10:56 PM
In 1882, a banker in Sacramento, Calif., named Frank Miller developed an absolutely unbreakable encryption method. Nearly 140 years later, cryptographers have yet to come up with something better.

Miller had learned about cryptography while serving as a military investigator during the U.S. Civil War. Sometime later, he grew interested in telegraphy and especially the challenge of preventing fraud by wire—a problem that was frustrating many bankers at the time. As a contemporary, Robert Slater, the secretary of the French Atlantic Telegraph Co., wrote in his 1870 book Telegraphic Code, to Ensure Secresy [sic] in the Transmission of Telegrams, “Nothing then is easier for a dishonest cable operator than the commission of a fraud of gigantic extent.”

In his own book on telegraphic code, published in 1882, Miller proposed encrypting messages by shifting each letter in the message by a random number of places, resulting in a string of gibberish. For example, to encode the word HELP, you might shift the H by 5 so that it became an M, the E by 3 so that it became an H, the L by 2 so that it became an N, and the P by 4 so that it became a T. Even a meddlesome cable operator wouldn’t know what to make of MHNT unless he also had the list of random numbers, 5-3-2-4. For truly unbreakable encryption, each string of random numbers would encode only one message before being discarded.

About 35 years after Miller’s book, Bell Labs engineer Gilbert S. Vernam and U.S. Army Capt. Joseph Mauborgne came out with essentially the same idea, which they called the one-time pad. And ever since, cryptographers have tried to devise a way to generate and distribute the unique and truly random numbers that the technique requires. That, it turns out, is incredibly hard to do.
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