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Text color for drop down bars

by VPN - 01-16-2016 - 10:01 PM
The text color of the drop down bars are white and the backround of the text color is also white, making the text extremely hard to see. if you don't know what I'm talking about I'm talking about the drop down bars that let you order the post by how you want. Or the bar where you can forum jump(located at the bottom threads for those who don't know).Well the text for all of those bars are white and I know that it's something small and that when you click the drop down bar it gives you the list in a black text, but once you pick it and back out of the list. the text will go to white and it's really hard to see unless you look really closely. I think just changing it from black to white would make it easier for people to actually see it. Thanks for your time to read this.
I don't understand this thread on me bit
[Image: 35QJVBY.gif]
[Image: xvIWibM.png]
(01-16-2016 - 10:06 PM)123 Wrote: I don't understand this thread on me bit

At the bottom of EVERY thread theirs the words Forum Jump, and right next to them is a drop down bar that lets you pick a subject and it will immediately take you to it next, but anyways the text for that becomes white after you pick a subject you want to go to, and it makes it extremely hard to see, because the backround of that text is also white, and it's like that for almost all of the drop down bars.
Can you show me what you mean, seems to work fine for me.
The colors are fine for me, can you elaborate?
NovaThe colors are fine for me, can you elaborate?

One second it may be because I'm on my phone I'll check on my pc

(01-16-2016 - 10:55 PM)Nova Wrote: The colors are fine for me, can you elaborate?
Idk if the picture will show up for you or not, might be to large if it doesn't show just check the message I sent you on skype
The colors are fine for me as well it might just be you.
It's probably just you nothing is wrong
[Image: 35QJVBY.gif]
[Image: xvIWibM.png]
The text is readable and the colors are okay. It's just you probably.
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You must be color blind homie, they look straight to me.

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