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[TH] Reactions 1.0.11 Patch Level 1 |XF2

by idkausername - 05-12-2018 - 05:13 PM
[Image: title-reactions.png]

[Image: hero-reactions.png]


This add-on allows your users to show how they feel about a post with just a single click. Also, users are able to multiple ratings per post per user as an option as well.

Configure which reactions can send alerts, publish into the newsfeed, which reactions can be undone by the users, and how many reactions can be used per day.

With reaction types, you can choose what order the reaction type will appear to the user.

Choose what order the reaction type will appear to the user.

General Features:
  • Unlimited amount of reactions and reaction typesSmooth looking animation which can be viewed by click on the trigger icon which shows all the ratingsBy default, it comes with various reactions and options to import popular reaction typesChoose what order the reaction type will appear in to the user.Define the color of the reaction type.Enable/disable any reactions you want to use or not useMake them positive, negative, or neutral, but we also support custom reaction typesAllow/disable reactions in different categories or forumsChoose if the reactions should send alerts or notAllow your reactions to be published to newsfeedPrevent users from removing their reactionsChoose how many days each reaction can be usedInclude a high resolution, retina image to replace the original imageMany different styling types: Image, Text/Emoji, CSS class, and HTML/CSSReactions trigger (default is heart icon) is fully configurable to any custom iconMany different style properties:
    • Choose the global size of reactions when displaying in more condensed areas like alerts and the newsfeed.Choose the maximum number of reactions before it condenses them to save space.Choose the reaction divider.Enable or disable postbit integration.
    Edit how post ratings are displayed and viewed:
    • Shows a list of available reactions for the user to choose from.Allows users to remove individual reactions when multiple reactions per content is enabled.The reaction list shows a tabbed menu, including all reactions, and then sorted by reaction type.The reaction list displays the overall reactions to that specific content sorted by reaction type.Postbit displays the overall reactions the user has received sorted by reaction type.
    Ability to import from Post Ratings after upgrading from XenForo 1.X!User criteria support for user promotionsPagination support for reactions to improve use on small screens or with large numbers of reactionsHover triggering for desktop and long press support for mobile devicesUsers are able to view how many reactions a user has used on the member card while being allowed to click on the number of reactions used which will break it down to what reactions were used by that user
Slide-Up Animation:

[Image: slide_up_desktop.gif]
Slide-Out Animation:

[Image: slide_out_desktop.gif]
Modal Animation:

[Image: modal_desktop.gif]

Slide-Up Animation:
[Image: slide_up_mobile.gif]

Slide-Out Animation:
[Image: slide_out_mobile.gif]

Modal Animation:
[Image: modal_mobile.gif]

[Image: support-reactions__1_.png]

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