Free SpotLight WordPress Theme is a prerfect theme to create wordpress review blog or wordpress news portal.
SpotLight WordPress Theme Features
Modern, Flexible, Clean!
WordPress 4.0+ Tested and Approved!
Built with HTML5 and CSS3
Cross-Browser Compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE9+
One-Click demo install
Child theme support
Slider Options
Navigation Options
ThemeRex Framework
Raiting\Review Mechanism
Translation Options
Plugins Compatibility
ThemeRex Widgets Set
Unique ThemeRex Shortcodes
A lot of Shortcodes included
WooCommerce ready with full design integration
SEO Ready
Performance Optimization
Two variants of icon display: Fontella Icon set and Images Icons
Google web fonts
SpotLight WordPress Theme Features
Modern, Flexible, Clean!
WordPress 4.0+ Tested and Approved!
Built with HTML5 and CSS3
Cross-Browser Compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE9+
One-Click demo install
Child theme support
Slider Options
Navigation Options
ThemeRex Framework
Raiting\Review Mechanism
Translation Options
Plugins Compatibility
ThemeRex Widgets Set
Unique ThemeRex Shortcodes
A lot of Shortcodes included
WooCommerce ready with full design integration
SEO Ready
Performance Optimization
Two variants of icon display: Fontella Icon set and Images Icons
Google web fonts