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Sorillus Remote Access Trojan (RAT) ⭐

by battleship - 09-05-2023 - 11:29 PM
⭐ Sorillus Rat Cracked ⭐


✅ Pop-up: Display pop-up messages on the victims' screen.

✅ Clipboard: Access and manage the victim's clipboard contents.

✅ Open URL: Open a specified URL on the victim's browser.

✅ Show IP: Retrieve and display the victim's IP address.

✅ Report: Generate and send reports regarding system status and activities.

✅ Shutdown: Remotely shut down the victim's system.


✅ Screenshot: Capture screenshots of the victim's screen.

✅ Remote desktop: View and control the victim's desktop remotely.

✅ Remote cam: Access and view the victim's webcam remotely.

✅ Remote microphone: Listen to audio from the victim's microphone remotely.

✅ Key logger: Record and monitor keystrokes on the victim's system.


✅ Play sound: Play customized sounds on the victim's system.

✅ Black screen: Turn the victim's screen black for privacy or focus purposes.

✅ Image walk: Display a series of images in a slideshow format.

Advanced Controls:

✅ Remote Shell: Execute remote commands on the victim's system.

✅ File Manager: Access and manage files and directories on the victim's system.

✅ Processes: View and manage running processes on the victim's system.

✅ Password Recovery: Recover passwords from supported browsers.

✅ Plugins: Extend the functionality of the application with custom plugins.

✅ Close Views: Close specific views or modules within the application.


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[Image: Screenshot-1.png]
Discord: doublepablo  -  Battleship  -  Demon Forums
Link is dead but we appreciate you fr
Discord: doublepablo  -  Battleship  -  Demon Forums
(09-13-2023 - 01:29 AM)Baal65 Wrote: Link is dead but we appreciate you fr
Thank you for reaching out regarding the link. I have now updated the link, and should work!
Discord: doublepablo  -  Battleship  -  Demon Forums
Wow looks good man
(09-05-2023 - 11:29 PM)battleship Wrote: [font][font]⭐  [/font][font][font]Tikus Sorillus Retak[/font][/font][font][font]  ⭐ [/font][/font][/font]

Quote:[font][font]Sistem: [/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Pop-up:[/font][/font][font][font] Menampilkan pesan pop-up di layar korban. [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Papan Klip:[/font][/font][font][font] Akses dan kelola konten papan klip korban. [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Buka URL:[/font][/font][font][font] Membuka URL tertentu di browser korban. [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Tampilkan IP:[/font][/font][font][font] Mengambil dan menampilkan alamat IP korban. [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Laporan:[/font][/font][font][font] Menghasilkan dan mengirim laporan mengenai status dan aktivitas sistem. [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Shutdown:[/font][/font][font][font] Mematikan sistem korban dari jarak jauh. [/font][/font][/font]


[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Screenshot:[/font][/font][font][font] Mengambil tangkapan layar layar korban. [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Desktop jarak jauh:[/font][/font][font][font] Melihat dan mengontrol desktop korban dari jarak jauh. [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Kamera jarak jauh:[/font][/font][font][font] Mengakses dan melihat webcam korban dari jarak jauh. [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Mikrofon jarak jauh:[/font][/font][font][font] Mendengarkan audio dari mikrofon korban dari jarak jauh. [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Pencatat kunci:[/font][/font][font][font] Rekam dan pantau penekanan tombol pada sistem korban. [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]Kegembiraan: [/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Putar suara:[/font][/font][font][font] Memutar suara yang disesuaikan pada sistem korban. [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Layar hitam:[/font][/font][font][font] Mengubah layar korban menjadi hitam untuk tujuan privasi atau fokus. [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Image walk :[/font][/font][font][font] Menampilkan rangkaian gambar dalam format slideshow. [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]Kontrol Tingkat Lanjut: [/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Remote Shell:[/font][/font][font][font] Menjalankan perintah jarak jauh pada sistem korban. [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Manajer File:[/font][/font][font][font] Mengakses dan mengelola file dan direktori di sistem korban. [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Proses:[/font][/font][font][font] Melihat dan mengelola proses yang berjalan pada sistem korban. [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Pemulihan Kata Sandi:[/font][/font][font][font] Memulihkan kata sandi dari browser yang didukung. [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Plugin:[/font][/font][font][font] Perluas fungsionalitas aplikasi dengan plugin khusus. [/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]✅ [/font][font][font] Tutup Tampilan:[/font][/font][font][font] Menutup tampilan atau modul tertentu dalam aplikasi.[/font][/font][/font]

[font][font]LINK UNDUH:[/font][/font]

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[Image: Screenshot-1.png]
(09-05-2023 - 11:29 PM)battleship Wrote: ⭐ Sorillus Rat Cracked ⭐


✅ Pop-up: Display pop-up messages on the victims' screen.

✅ Clipboard: Access and manage the victim's clipboard contents.

✅ Open URL: Open a specified URL on the victim's browser.

✅ Show IP: Retrieve and display the victim's IP address.

✅ Report: Generate and send reports regarding system status and activities.

✅ Shutdown: Remotely shut down the victim's system.


✅ Screenshot: Capture screenshots of the victim's screen.

✅ Remote desktop: View and control the victim's desktop remotely.

✅ Remote cam: Access and view the victim's webcam remotely.

✅ Remote microphone: Listen to audio from the victim's microphone remotely.

✅ Key logger: Record and monitor keystrokes on the victim's system.


✅ Play sound: Play customized sounds on the victim's system.

✅ Black screen: Turn the victim's screen black for privacy or focus purposes.

✅ Image walk: Display a series of images in a slideshow format.

Advanced Controls:

✅ Remote Shell: Execute remote commands on the victim's system.

✅ File Manager: Access and manage files and directories on the victim's system.

✅ Processes: View and manage running processes on the victim's system.

✅ Password Recovery: Recover passwords from supported browsers.

✅ Plugins: Extend the functionality of the application with custom plugins.

✅ Close Views: Close specific views or modules within the application.


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[Image: Screenshot-1.png]
bro is the first user friendly interface I have seen, thank you.

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