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Some features that could be corrected;

by Nix - 01-15-2016 - 11:34 AM
Hello, everyone.

When at Satan Lottery's page, others that visit your profile will input this response when attempting to view what you would be currently browsing on Demonforums;

[Image: J5f7bMG.png]

Additionally, when browsing the Award's page it will state 'My Awards' as a header;
[Image: mxizIHx.png]

Shouldn't the title just be 'Awards', being that one who is viewing the awards under these circumstances is not digitally his or her awards?
No no no, don't change the awards issue, it makes me feel superior, and like I own all those awards.
Please don't take that away from me..
[Image: kVutyOy.gif]
My awards isn't such a big deal but I agree they should change unknown location to browsing satans lottery or something
[Image: 35QJVBY.gif]
[Image: xvIWibM.png]
i agree, easy stuff to add. good one.
For Satans Lottery, I believe it should be fixed. As for My Awards that's not a key priority right now I don't think. I'll talk to Rizla about it, or he'll post here.
"It takes one man to change the world, but it takes the whole world to change a man"
[Image: T3Y2DuL.gif]

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