Does someone has the OFFSET_PLAYER_INFO_RUN_SPD and OFFSET_PLAYER_INFO_SWIM_SPD? Would be kind
(12-26-2020 - 01:54 AM)Hynodgy Wrote: If you mean speed by “SPD”, then there is no actual native for getting run/swim speed. But if you want the entity speed, just use ENTITY::GET_ENTITY_SPEED(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID())he means the offset on pc to make the speed fast
if (RunBool) Memory::set_value<float>({ 0x08 , 0x10C8 , 0xCD0 }, 3);
else Memory::set_value<float>({ 0x08 , 0x10C8 , 0xCD0 }, 1);
if (SwimBool) Memory::set_value<float>({ 0x08 , 0x10C8 , 0x150 }, 3);
else Memory::set_value<float>({ 0x08 , 0x10C8 , 0x150 }, 1);
if (RunBool) Memory::set_value<float>({ 0x08 , 0x10C8 , 0xCD0 }, 3);
else Memory::set_value<float>({ 0x08 , 0x10C8 , 0xCD0 }, 1);
if (SwimBool) Memory::set_value<float>({ 0x08 , 0x10C8 , 0x150 }, 3);
else Memory::set_value<float>({ 0x08 , 0x10C8 , 0x150 }, 1);
(12-26-2020 - 02:02 PM)Hynodgy Wrote: he means the offset on pc to make the speed fastyes but the max on that native is 1.49 i gave him the offset were you can make it as fast as you want
Code:if (RunBool) Memory::set_value<float>({ 0x08 , 0x10C8 , 0xCD0 }, 3);
else Memory::set_value<float>({ 0x08 , 0x10C8 , 0xCD0 }, 1);
if (SwimBool) Memory::set_value<float>({ 0x08 , 0x10C8 , 0x150 }, 3);
else Memory::set_value<float>({ 0x08 , 0x10C8 , 0x150 }, 1);
If so, then there is PLAYER::SET_SWIM_MULTIPLIER_FOR_PLAYER(int Player, float Value) and PLAYER::SET_RUN_SPRINT_MULTIPLIER_FOR_PLAYER(int Player, float Value)